Popular Articles

  1. Glossary

  2. Create expanding/collapsing sections in an article

    Learn how to use scripts to create accordion expanding/collapsing sections of content in your articles.
  3. SEO guide

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a way of enhancing the findability of your knowledge base content for your users and giving others the opportunity to discover your knowledge base.
  4. SEO guide

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a way of enhancing the findability of your knowledge base content for your readers and giving others the opportunity to discover your knowledge base.
  5. Create a category

    Learn about category creation and category types.
  6. Managing images and files

  7. Configuring search

    The configuration options in this section will help you fine-tune the behavior of search in your knowledge base.
  8. Configure search

    The configuration options in this section will help you fine-tune the behavior of search in your knowledge base.
  9. Create a category

  10. Reporting Dashboard