Popular Articles

  1. Customize nested numbered list styles

    Use custom CSS styles to globally set how your nested numbered list items display.
  2. Create a category

  3. Edit an article

    Learn how to write and edit content in KnowledgeOwl's WYSIWYG and code view editors, including: adding images and file assets, linking to other sites, adding code examples, and the editor's keyboard shortcuts.
  4. Reporting Dashboard

  5. General security options

  6. Widget configuration & installation

  7. Import content

  8. Limit the max characters allowed in comments

    If you're getting long/spammy comments in your knowledge base, consider using this script to limit how many characters someone can submit.
  9. Configure subscriptions

    The configuration options in this section will help you set up subscriptions in your knowledge base.
  10. Configure SSO with Google Workspace

    Learn how to configure SSO with your Google Workspace.