New Articles

  1. Nat'l Get Over It Day bugfixes

    These fixes address issues with search indexing, Exports access, snippet references, reader exports, the table of contents, and more.
  2. Three use cases for snippets (March 15th)

    Learn three ways you can use snippets with little to no coding experience: for messaging consistency, text variables, and script embeds. 😉
  3. Article Favorites: Now in the table of contents

    You can now add Article Favorites to your table of contents by checking a box--no code or HTML required!
  4. Get the most from topic display categories (March 1)

    Review our March 1st recording to learn about recent and upcoming enhancements to topic display categories, as well as some tips & tricks for using these categories to their full extent!
  5. Hyperlinks in PDFs

    Clickable hyperlinks should generate automatically in PDFs, but here are the limitations of hyperlinks within PDFs.
  6. Styling PDFs

    Learn how to style things differently in your PDFs from your live knowledge base.
  7. Display favorites in the table of contents

    Add Favorites to your table of contents.
  8. Display favorites outside the table of contents

    Use the reader favorite-articles merge code to add favorites to your theme layout.
  9. Topic display: Hide category description

    Category descriptions are displayed in certain areas (such as Title and Description layout in Default category ). But if you're using a topic display category , the description is also displayed as the first text when you're viewing the category i...
  10. Icon panels styles

    If you're using the icon panels subcategory display in your categories, you may want to style those icon panels differently. We use the same styles for the Icon Panels subcategory display as we do for the homepage category panel icons . The CSS ...