Hoot, thank you for signing up for a KnowledgeOwl trial! Here are answers to some of our most frequently asked trial questions.
We understand that evaluating knowledge bases can take time, and sometimes 30 days is just not enough time to do a full evaluation--or priorities change and you're asked to prioritize something else instead.
When your trial expires, your trial information will continue to exist for at least 6 months past the date of expiration.
This includes:
- Your own author account and permissions, plus any additional author accounts you created
- Any knowledge bases you created, plus all the content they contain
- Any other settings changes you made in your trial
You can extend your trial to regain access to your trial and all the work you've done, so you can pick right back up where you left off.
Or you can choose to subscribe to make the relationship more permanent--see How do I pay for my account? for more information!