Article Lists

KnowledgeOwl offers six article lists that you can use in your knowledge base to help readers find new, updated, popular, recently viewed, required, and relevant content. These lists are automatically generated. Four are added to your homepage or articles by default; the other three are optional lists you can choose to add!

To change the number of articles displayed in each list, see Article List Settings.

Pre-added lists

Popular Articles list

Our Popular Articles List displays articles with the most traffic. This will increase your readers' engagement and your ability to get them the most common answers they might need. Your homepage is an excellent place to add this list.

New Articles list

Our New Articles List displays articles that have been recently created or published. Your homepage is a great spot to place this list to help supply readers with the most up to date information!

Updated Articles list

Our Updated Articles List displays articles that have recently updated content. This will increase your readers' engagement and your ability to get them the most up-to-date answers they need. Your homepage is an excellent place to add this list. Check out our documentation on the Updated Articles List to learn more. 

Related Articles list

Our Related Articles List is used in articles to display articles that have content related to the current article the reader is reading. This will increase your readers' engagement and the your ability to get them the answers they need.

Optional/Feature-specific lists

Favorite Articles list

For knowledge bases that use reader logins and have Article Favorites enabled, the Favorite Articles List will display the articles a reader has chosen to favorite.

Recent Articles list

For knowledge bases that use reader logins, the Recently Viewed Articles List displays the current reader's most recently viewed articles. This will help readers return to articles or categories they have recently viewed. Your homepage or righthand column is an excellent place to add this list.

Required Articles list

For knowledge bases that use reader logins and have Required Reading enabled, the Required Articles List will display all articles marked as required. Readers can click to open articles to acknowledge them, or click the See more... link to navigate to the Required Reading page to view the complete list and see which articles they need to acknowledge.