Add a new glossary term

You can add glossary terms and definitions individually or in bulk.

To add a single glossary term:

  1. In the left navigation, go to Glossary. The Glossary page opens.
  2. Select the + Add Term button. An area expands just below the button where you can add the details for your glossary term:
    The Glossary page with an empty new term displayed.The new term entry section
  3. Enter the word that you want to appear in the glossary as the Term. If you're using automatic highlighting, this term should be what you want the highlighting to match on.
  4. Enter the definition you'd like displayed with that term. The definition can contain basic HTML, including hyperlinks and text formatting. Refer to Glossary formatting for more information.
  5. Optional: If you want to display a longer or alternate version of the automatic highlighting term in your glossary, enter it as a Display Title. This won't impact the automatic highlighting, but does allow you to include an acronym after the without impacting highlighting. For example, if we have a term for SSO, we might set a display title of "Single Sign-On (SSO)" to explain the acronym. Refer to When should I use display titles? if you're unsure whether you need or want a display title.
  6. Once you've added your term and definition, select the Add Term button.
    The new term section of the Glossary page with a term, display title, and definition added. An arrow points to the Add Term button.
  7. Your term will now appear in the glossary. If you have automatic highlighting turned on, the term will also be highlighted.