Adding and editing knowledge bases

Create an additional knowledge base

You can have more than one knowledge base on your account. Content can be synced across knowledge bases, but settings (including theme), libraries (files & snippets etc) and reporting is all kept separate for each knowledge base. 

To add a new knowledge base:

  1. Go to your dashboard by selecting the owl in the top left of the navigation bar or selecting the knowledge base name in the upper left and selecting Dashboard.
  2. Once your dashboard loads, select + New Knowledge Base:

    A modal opens to prompt you for some details about the knowledge base. Follow the instructions.
  3. Be sure you assign at least one author to the new knowledge base! (Your author account is assigned by default.)

If you don't see the option to add a new knowledge base, you don't have another knowledge base slot available on your account, so you'll need to add one:

If you pay via invoice, contact us to add another knowledge base.

If you pay via in-app credit-card, you can add additional knowledge bases to your account at any time. To do so:

  1. Select Account > Billing. The Account page opens.
  2. The Knowledge Bases number controls the number of knowledge bases in your account. Use the plus and minus controls to adjust the number of knowledge bases to your desired total.
  3. As you toggle, the Current Price adjusts. Don't worry--we aren't charging you, we just want you to know how the new knowledge bases will affect your overall costs.
  4. Once you've adjusted the Knowledge Bases, select Upgrade below your Plan Cost to save your changes.
  5. We'll charge the card on file for the new knowledge base, and the knowledge base slot becomes available in your account.
  6. Select the owl in the upper left to go to your dashboard.
  7. Once your dashboard loads, select + New Knowledge Base:

    A modal opens to prompt you for some details about the knowledge base. Follow the instructions.
  8. Be sure you assign at least one author to the new knowledge base! (Your author account is assigned by default.)

Copy a knowledge base

If you have room on your account, you can create a copy of an existing knowledge base for a variety of purposes: testing/troubleshooting, translating, new versions of software, and as a template.

The following items won't copy:

  • File library and labels (all images and files in the content of the new, copied knowledge base will link to the original source knowledge base's file library)
  • Synonyms
  • Revisions
  • Related Articles
  • Shared content relationships (though the articles/categories will be copied in full, just no longer linked). Refer to Synced content in copied knowledge bases for steps on how to audit and re-create shared content.
  • Articles' date created (though date modified and date published will)

To copy your knowledge base:

  1. Go to your dashboard by selecting the owl in the top left of the navigation bar or selecting the knowledge base name in the upper left and selecting Dashboard.
  2. Select the gear icon in the top right of the knowledge base you want to copy.

    Don't see the gear cog icon?
    If you don't have a gear icon, you don't have permission to copy a knowledge base. Contact your knowledge base administrator.

  3.  Select Copy.
    Select the gear cog icon > Copy.

    The Copy Knowledge Base modal opens.

    Don't have the Copy option?
    If you have the gear cog icon but don't have the Copy option, you don't have any empty knowledge base slots in your account. Follow the steps in Create an additional knowledge base to purchase another knowledge base slot.

  4. Enter a New Knowledge Base Name to distinguish this knowledge base from the original.
  5. Enter a New Knowledge Base Sub-Domain to distinguish this knowledge base from the original.
  6. Leave the option to sync all the content unchecked unless you are sure you want to do this (refer to Sync all content below for more information).
  7.  Select Copy Project to begin the copy.
    Enter a New Knowledge Base Name and Sub-Domain, then select Copy Project

You'll see a progress bar while the knowledge base copies. Larger knowledge bases take longer to copy. You'll receive a confirmation message once the copy is complete.

Once a copy exists, these features can take longer to become available:

  • Indexing all copied content for search: Usually completes within 1-2 hours.
  • Generating all individual article PDFs: These get split into small batches and run over the next 2-24 hours, depending on the size of the knowledge base.

So if you view the knowledge base right after the copy finishes and search doesn't seem to fully work or an article PDF doesn't load, don't panic--this is normal!

Transition to the copy
If you've taken a copy of a knowledge base and would like to delete the original and move its files/update content links to files to the new knowledge base, please contact us to help!

What does "sync all content" do?

Sync all content from original creates each top-level category in your new knowledge base as a synced category, with the existing top-level category in the source knowledge base as its source. This effectively synchronizes all content changes between the two knowledge bases, so that updating content in one knowledge base (such as creating or deleting articles, editing article content, and so on) also automatically updates the synced knowledge base. Refer to Synced knowledge base for how these syncs work.

In most cases, synchronizing all content is NOT the option you want. All copies will take a point-in-time copy of the original source knowledge base. If you leave "sync all content" unchecked, the two knowledge bases remain independent moving forward: edits to one will not impact edits to the other. Only select Sync all content from original (not common) if you want the two knowledge bases to continue to mirror each other's content moving forward permanently.

Uh-oh, I synced and I didn't mean to
If you've accidentally synced all content and don't want it synced moving forward, contact us and ask us to fully unlink the two knowledge bases.

Delete a knowledge base

You can delete a knowledge base you are no longer using.

  1. Go to your dashboard by selecting the owl in the top left of the navigation bar or selecting the knowledge base name in the upper left and selecting Dashboard.
  2. Select the gear icon in the top right of the knowledge base you want to delete.
  3. Select Delete.
    Select the gear cog icon > Delete.
  4. Once you select delete, a modal opens to confirm the action. The knowledge base's name will appear in bold.
  5. If the named knowledge base is the one you want to delete, select OK to complete the deletion. (If it's not, select Cancel and find the correct knowledge base!)

If you accidentally delete a knowledge base, please contact us for help retrieving it.

If you don't intend to use that knowledge base slot for a new knowledge base and would like to stop paying for it, refer to Remove an unused knowledge base slot to downgrade your account and save some money.

Remove an unused knowledge base slot

If you pay for KnowledgeOwl via invoice, please contact us to add or remove a knowledge base slot from your account.

If you pay for KnowledgeOwl with a credit card entered directly in Billing, you can add or remove knowledge bases yourself, at any time. We'll automatically charge a prorated amount (for an upgrade) or prorate a credit (downgrade) and adjust your upcoming payments based on the changes you make. Refer to Creating an additional knowledge base for adding knowledge bases.

To remove a knowledge base you aren't using:

  1. Go to Account > Billing.
  2. The Knowledge Bases number is the number of knowledge bases available to your account. Use the plus and minus controls to adjust the number of knowledge bases to your desired total.
    • If you try to remove a knowledge base but are currently using all knowledge base slots, you'll see a warning telling you that you'll need to delete at least xx knowledge bases in order to downgrade:
      Sample warning that you must delete a knowledge base to downgrade.
    • If you see this warning, you need to delete a knowledge base from the dashboard before you can remove the knowledge base slot.
  3. You can toggle the controls to see the cost of removing knowledge base slots.
  4. Once you've used the minus sign to remove the knowledge base slot, select Downgrade below your Plan Cost to save your changes. A modal confirmation appears, which explains that we'll credit you a prorated amount for the remainder of your current subscription. It also confirms your new subscription cost.
  5. Select OK to continue with the downgrade. Once you make this selection, we remove the knowledge base slots and add the credit to your subscription.

If you have trouble doing any of the above, please contact us !