Deprecation of Modern & Legacy widget

As of August 2022, we have deprecated our Modern & Legacy contextual help widgets.


Widget 2.0 has been released and stable for quite some time, and it provides much more functionality than the older widgets. We'd like to focus our developers' time on continuing to improve Widget 2.0.


"Deprecation" can sound a bit scary, so we wanted to explain it a bit more.

In a nutshell, what this means is that we will no longer be updating these widgets. So they won't get any new features and we will only fix the most dire of new bugs.

How will this impact me?

If you are not using Modern Slideout or Legacy widget, the only change you will see is on Settings > Widget, where there will no longer be a Widget Version selector. The only widget you can set up is Widget 2.0.

If you are using the Modern Slideout or Legacy widget, here's what this means for you:

  • We won't add any new features to these widgets and generally won't fix new bugs on them.
  • You can keep using the Legacy and Modern widgets as long as you'd like to. We just want you to be aware that we are no longer updating them.
  • You will continue to see the Widget version selector in Settings > Widget as long as you use one of the older widgets. Once you switch to Widget 2.0, you won't see the option to return to one of the older widget formats.
  • If for some reason you need to configure a new knowledge base with an older widget, please contact us .

If all this seems like a good reason to switch to Widget 2.0, we recommend checking out: