Color picker: Which colors control which parts of my theme?

The color picker options will look different depending on whether you're using our older themes or our latest theme. To figure out which description you need, go to Settings > Style. Look at the first option under Colors. If it says "Top navigation bar", use New theme. If it says "Header background", use Old theme.

New theme

The Click to pick your colors section includes seven different color areas you can set:

  • Top navigation bar
  • Top navigation text
  • H1s, H2s, H3s, etc.
  • Table of contents text
  • Highlights & Accents

Default category icon colors:

  • Icon color
  • Icon background

See below for more detailed descriptions of what each color setting does.

If you have custom CSS, HTML, or snippets in your knowledge base, those customizations may override these general color area settings.

Top navigation bar

Top navigation bar changes the color background of the top navigation bar in your knowledge base.

Top navigation text

Top navigation text changes the color of:

  • Any text in your top navigation
  • Table of contents hamburger icon
  • The text color of the buttons impacted by the Highlight & accents button color

H1s, H2s, H3s, etc.

H1s, H2s, H3s, etc. changes the colors of:

  • The headers for the homepage article lists (New, Popular, etc.)
  • All headings in articles: article title, any headings in the article body, and the Related Articles heading
  • The "Search results for..." header on the Search Results page (* default theme includes CSS that overrides this setting)
  • The header on the Contact Form once it's opened

Table of contents text

Table of contents text changes the color of the text in your table of contents for both articles and categories.

Highlights & accents

Highlights and accents are used throughout your knowledge base. Assuming there is no CSS to style them differently, changing this color will impact:

  • Icons in the Table of contents
  • Hyperlinks in article lists, related articles, category landing pages, search results, Contact Form results, article text (* default theme includes CSS that overrides this setting)
  • Breadcrumbs displayed in articles (* default theme includes CSS that overrides this setting)
  • Article actions icons: PDF, print, email, favorite (* default theme includes CSS that overrides this setting)
  • Search results breadcrumbs and article titles (* default theme includes CSS that overrides this setting)
  • Search bar text box and comments text box border highlighting on-focus
  • All buttons except Search button (login submit, Contact Form submit, etc.)

Icon color

Icon color changes the default color that the Choose a Font Awesome icon pop-up uses when you add a new category icon. It will not change any of your existing category icon colors. Once a category icon has been saved with a specific color, you'll need to edit that category to change the color.

Icon background

When category icons are displayed, they're displayed within a small box. We set that default icon background color to white. The Icon background changes the default icon background color that the Choose a Font Awesome icon pop-up uses when you add a new category icon. It will not change any of your existing category icon background colors. Once a category icon has been saved with a specific background color, you'll need to edit that category to change the color.

Old theme

The Click to pick your colors section includes eight different color areas you can set:

  • Header background
  • Header text
  • Header tags
  • Column background
  • Column text
  • Highlights & accents

Default category icon colors:

  • Icon color
  • Icon background

See below for more detailed descriptions of what each color setting does, and any variations between themes.

If you have custom CSS, HTML, or snippets in your knowledge base, those customizations may override these general color area settings.

Header background

The Header background changes the color background of the top navigation bar in your knowledge base. This bar looks a bit different depending on which theme you have selected. For Minimalist, Classic, and Modern theme, it's the entire top navigation bar. For Clayton theme, it's the portion in the upper left:

Minimalist theme
Classic theme
Clayton theme
Modern theme

Header text

Header text changes the color of:

  • Any text in your top navigation (Contact Us link if the Contact Form is being used in all themes; knowledge base title in the Classic, Clayton, and Modern themes)
  • Table of contents hamburger icon (Minimalist theme only)
  • The text color of the buttons impacted by the Highlight & accents button color

Header tags

Header tags changes the colors of:

  • The headers for the homepage article lists in all four themes
  • All headings in articles: article title, any headings in the article body, and the Related Articles heading
  • The "Search results for..." header on the Search Results page
  • The header on the Contact Form once it's opened

Column background

Column background changes the background color for "column" sections of your knowledge base. For the Minimalist, Classic, and Clayton themes, this changes the background color of the table of contents. For Minimalist theme, this also changes the background color of the footer.

For Modern theme, this changes the background around the content container as well as the highlighting on-hover color of the table of contents:

Minimalist theme
Classic theme
Clayton theme
Modern theme

Column text

Column text changes the text in your table of contents of the Minimalist theme, Classic theme, and Clayton theme. It doesn't impact anything in the Modern theme.

Highlights & accents

Highlights and accents are used throughout your knowledge base. Each theme uses them slightly differently. Here's a list of the most common highlights and accents. If the color is impacted by the Highlights & accents color swatch, an "X" is included in the table:

Highlight & accent areaMinimalist themeClassic themeClayton themeModern theme
Icons in the Table of Contents XXXX
Hyperlinks in article lists, related articles, category landing pages, search results, Contact Form results, article textX

Category tile borders on-hover in homepage and category landing pagesXXXX
Breadcrumbs displayed in articlesX

Article action icons (PDF, print, email)XXXX
Search results breadcrumbs and article titlesX

Search bar text box and comments text box border highlighting on-focusXXX
All buttons except Search button (login, submit)XXXX

Icon color

Icon color changes the default color that the Choose a Font Awesome icon pop-up uses when you add a new category icon. It will not change any of your existing category icon colors. Once a category icon has been saved with a specific color, you'll need to edit that category to change the color.

Icon background

When category icons are displayed, they're displayed within a small box. We set that default icon background color to white. The Icon background changes the default icon background color that the Choose a Font Awesome icon pop-up uses when you add a new category icon. It will not change any of your existing category icon background colors. Once a category icon has been saved with a specific background color, you'll need to edit that category to change the color.