Add glossary definitions in articles manually

You can always manually insert glossary definitions in your articles.

Manually inserting definitions has several advantages over the automatic highlighting:

  • Since you are specifying when and where you want to define terms, it gives you the most control.
  • Automatic highlighting requires an exact match; manually inserting definitions allows you to include definitions for variations of words, acronyms, and so on.
  • Guarantee that a multi-word term is properly highlighted even when it includes another glossary term.
  • You can see in the article editor which definition terms will be highlighted (with automatic highlighting, you have to preview or view the published article).
  • Manually inserting definitions is the only way to highlight glossary terms within tables, embedded topic articles, and divs, including the Well, Alert Danger, Alert Info, Alert Success, and Alert Warning divs.

To manually insert a definition for a term in an article:

  1. Make sure the glossary term and definition exist in the glossary.
  2. In the article editor, highlight the word or phrase you want to provide a definition for.
  3. Select the Add Glossary Term book icon in the editor:The Modern editor toolbar. An arrow points to the Add Glossary Term icon, which is a book.Add Glossary Term icon
    The Add Glossary Term modal opens.
  4. In Search Glossary Terms, start typing the glossary term you'd like to insert. The modal autosuggests terms as you type.
  5. Text to Display shows the text you selected. Make any edits to the text here.
  6. Select Insert Glossary Term once you have the glossary term and the text to display set as you'd like. The modal closes and displays the main editor. Your glossary term displays the double underline treatment.
  7. Be sure to Save your article with these changes.

The hover-over definitions won't work in the article editor. If you need to test them, use Preview or view the live article.