Merge codes

Learn how merge codes allow you to create custom look and feel.


What are merge codes?
Merge codes act as placeholders for content. KnowledgeOwl replaces the merge code with the appropriate content when it builds the page. They are mainly used when creating custom layouts, look and feel. They can also allow you to create dynamic conte...
KB Merge Codes
Learn more about the merge codes available for use across your knowledge base.
Article Merge Codes
Here are the available template merge codes for use in Settings > Style, Custom HTML > Article.  Many can also be used directly within individual articles, categories, and subcategories. Template Merge Code Description Example ...
Homepage Merge Codes
Learn the HTML merge codes you can use to display information from your Homepage content editor other places.
Reader Merge Codes
Here are the available template merge codes for use in any of the following locations: Settings > Style Homepage Knowledge Base > Articles Knowledge Base > Contact Form Template Merge Code Description ...
Body Merge Codes
Here are the available template merge codes for use in Settings > Style > Custom HTML > Body.  All merge codes except "contents" will also work inside articles. Template Merge Code Description Example [template(" project-logo...
PDF Merge Codes
See the merge codes available for use in the Standard PDF export, Custom PDF exports, and individual article PDFs.
Custom content category merge codes
These merge codes can be used in Custom content categories to display subcategories. Template Merge Code Description [template(" content-list ")] The template content-list merge code will display subcategories in content list format...
Other merge codes
These merge codes can be used in Custom HTML but also in individual articles, categories, etc. See usage notes: Template Merge Code Description Usage [template(" object-id ")] The "object-id" merge code can be used in articles ...