The themer comes with a number of fonts built into it. You can also choose to use your own Custom fonts.
All built-in fonts are hosted directly by KnowledgeOwl.
If you're using any of the built-in fonts, you can select them using the Fonts controls in the lefthand panel of Customize > Style (HTML & CSS):
The font controls in Customize > Style (HTML & CSS)
As you make changes to the font controls, the Preview pane should automatically update so you can get a feel for how the fonts look.
The available Fonts controls are:
- Headers: Sets the font family, font size, and font weight for all header text across your knowledge base. Default is Lato 48 Bold. Changing this font will impact:
- The homepage text/header
- Headers used in category panels on your homepage or subcategory panels displayed in category landing pages
- The article list headers
- Top navigation links
- Table of contents links
- Text in the footer
- The title heading of a category
- The description of a category (on a category landing page, etc.)
- The title heading of an article
- Any headings or subheadings used within articles
- The Related Articles section
- Article ratings
- Most of the text in the knowledge base Contact Form
- Article Text: Sets the font family, font size, and font weight for all article text in your knowledge base. The default is Lato 16 Normal. Changing this font will impact:
- Any text in the body of an article that is not a heading
- The hyperlinks in various article lists (like Popular, New, Updated)
- Font Pairs: If you don't have brand requirements for using specific fonts and you just want to explore options, you can test out some pre-packaged Font Pairs.
- Selecting one of these pairs will automatically update the Headers and Article Text controls with the font pairs.
- Once you've made changes, be sure to Save them!
We offer the following fonts:
- Amati SC
- Arial
- Courier New
- Cutive
- Georgia
- Great Vibes
- Holtwood One SC
- Inconsolata
- Inter
- Lato
- Lobster
- Merriweather
- Montserrat
- Neuton
- Noto Sans JP
- Open Sans
- Oswald
- Pacifico
- Patrick Hand
- Poiret One
- Poppins
- Quattrocento
- Raleway
- Roboto
- Roboto Condensed
- Roboto Mono
- Roboto Slab
- Rokkitt
- Source Sans Pro
- Special Elite
- Tahoma
- Times New Roman
- Trebuchet MS
- Verdana
And these font pairs:
- Roboto & Roboto Condensed
- Open Sans & Noto Sans JP
- Montserrat & Poppins
- Tahoma & Trebuchet MS
- Roboto Slab & Roboto
- Lato & Lato
- Merriweather & Open Sans
- Raleway & Inter
- Neuton & Poppins