All KnowledgeOwl knowledge bases display three icons display next to each article's title:
- A PDF icon: Downloads the PDF of the currently displayed article.
- A printer icon: Opens the browser's print dialog.
- An envelope icon: Opens a new email using the end-user's default email program, with the hyperlink for the currently displayed article included in the body.
You can remove the PDF icon in individual articles using the checkbox in the Display Settings.
But if you'd like to disable one or more of these icons across your entire knowledge base, you can!
First, you'll need to check out Customize > Style to figure out which article-actions configuration your knowledge base is using, and then edit your Custom HTML or Custom CSS depending on which setup you're using.
To do so:
- Go to Customize > Style (HTML & CSS).
- In the Customize HTML, CSS, and JS section, select Custom HTML.
- Select Article from the Select HTML section to edit dropdown.
- Now look at or near row 3 in the Custom HTML, after the
<h1 class="hg-article-title">
to figure out which solution you need to use:- If your Custom Article HTML includes
<span class="ko-article-actions">
, you're using our older, hard-coded article actions. Refer to Hard-coded HTML article action below. Your HTML should look something like this:<div class="hg-article"> <div class="hg-article-header"> <h1 class="hg-article-title">[article("title")]<span class="ko-article-actions"><span class="pdf">[article("pdf_download_tool")]</span><a href="#" class="ko-js-print"><i class="fa fa-print fa-fw"></i></a><script>function sendEmail() {var title = 'Remove the PDF, print, or email icon from all articles'.replace("'","\'").replace("'", "\'");window.location = 'mailto:?subject=' + title + '&body=' + window.location;}</script><a href="#" onclick="sendEmail()"><i class="fa fa-envelope-o"></i></a></span></h1> <div class="metadata">Last Modified on [article("date_modified")]</div> </div>
- If your Custom Article HTML includes the
merge code, you're using our newer action icons merge code. Refer to Action icons merge code below. Your HTML should look something like this:<div class="hg-article"> <div class="hg-article-header"> <h1 class="hg-article-title">[article("title")][article("action_icons")]</h1> <div class="metadata">
- If your Custom Article HTML includes
Hard-coded HTML article action
If your knowledge base is using the hard-coded HTML article action, first, consider updating it to use the action_icons merge code.
If you don't want to update to use the new merge code, you'll need to look at the HTML and either delete or comment out the HTML for the icon you want to remove globally. To comment out HTML, add a <!--
before the start of the HTML and a -->
at the end of it. For example, here we've commented out the HTML for the PDF action icon:
<div class="hg-article">
<div class="hg-article-header">
<h1 class="hg-article-title">[article("title")]<span class="ko-article-actions"><!--<span class="pdf">[article("pdf_download_tool")]</span>--><a href="#" class="ko-js-print"><i class="fa fa-print fa-fw"></i></a><script>function sendEmail() {var title = 'Remove the PDF, print, or email icon from all articles'.replace("'","\'").replace("'", "\'");window.location = 'mailto:?subject=' + title + '&body=' + window.location;}</script><a href="#" onclick="sendEmail()"><i class="fa fa-envelope-o"></i></a></span></h1>
<div class="metadata">Last Modified on [article("date_modified")]</div>
Once you've edited the Custom HTML to remove or comment out the icon(s) you don't need, be sure to Save your changes.
Hide the PDF action icon
To hide the PDF action icon, delete or comment out this HTML:
<span class="pdf">[article("pdf_download_tool")]</span>
Hide the print action icon
To hide the print action icon, delete or comment out this HTML:
<a href="#" class="ko-js-print"><i class="fa fa-print fa-fw"></i></a>
Hide the email action icon
To hide the email action icon, delete or comment out this HTML:
<a href="#" onclick="javascript:window.location='mailto:?subject=Remove the PDF, print, or email icon from all articles&body=' + window.location;"><i class="fa fa-envelope-o fa-fw"></i></a>
Action icons merge code
If you're using the action_icons template merge code, you don't need to edit any HTML. To remove one of the action icons across your entire knowledge base:
- In Customize > Style (HTML & CSS), select Custom CSS.
- Copy the appropriate CSS for the icon you'd like to hide from the sections below.
- Paste that CSS anywhere into your Custom CSS.
- Save your changes.
Hide the PDF action icon
To hide the PDF action icon, copy the CSS below and paste it in using the steps outlined above:
/* Hide PDF article action icon globally */
.ko-article-actions .pdf {display:none;}
Hide the print action icon
To hide the print action icon, copy the CSS below and paste it in using the steps outlined above:
/* Hide print article action icon globally */
.ko-article-actions .print-article {display:none;}
Hide the email action icon
To hide the email action icon, copy the CSS below and paste it in using the steps outlined above:
/* Hide email article action icon globally */
.ko-article-actions .email-article {display:none;}