Version PDFs will use whatever header or footer you've set up in Settings > PDFs. Since they can contain very different metadata from a standard article, the metadata that is available and the format for these PDFs is controlled through a Custom HTML template in Settings > Style: Article Version.
The default layout looks a bit like this (sample values are in italics):
Sample article title
Version Number 1.01
Version Author Linus Owl
Version Creation Date 10/05/2023 12:32pm EDT
Version Activation Date 10/08/2023 1:01pm EDT
Author Activating Barn Owl
Version Deactivation Date 10/10/2023 3:04pm EDT
Author Deactivating Linus OwlSample article body
You have a lot of control over what this looks like, so if you want to make changes, you can!
Versions created, activated, or deactivated before 11 October 2023 will not have most of these metadata fields properly populated, since the fields didn't exist before this date. If you'd like to retroactively add in dates for versions that pre-date these changes, you can use an API PUT call for the version to update them. Contact us for help!
Update the text labels
To change the text labels, like "Version Number" or "Version Author", edit the default text strings in the Article section of the Customize Text tool. See Section breakdown: Article for more details on the available strings and what they adjust.
Update the format or layout
The format and structure for version PDFs is set using the HTML format laid out in the Default Article Version HTML template in Settings > Style. You can edit that template to:
- Change the order of the metadata fields
- Remove any metadata fields entirely
- Update the layout of that metadata section
If you're looking to make a specific change and you're not sure how to do it, please contact us for help! We'll be building out examples of changes you can make based on where people seem to struggle the most. π