Comments include not only the name of the commenter but also an image. This is the default image and the image that will appear for public comments:Sample reader comment field with a user icon
Sample comment field with no user icon added
Logged in authors and readers can customize this image:
- When commenting, by clicking the Update image link (this text is customizable, so it might say something different in your knowledge base!)
- For authors, by clicking on your profile icon/name in the upper right and either
- Selecting My Account to update your own image, or
- Selecting Authors, clicking on the author whose image you want to update, and updating their author profile
Update the author's picture/icon
- Authors can also add images for readers by going to your profile icon/name in the upper right, selecting Readers, clicking on the Reader account, and updating the image in the reader's profile.
Update the reader's picture/icon
Notice images showing up on their own?
If you see images appear before you upload them, don't panic! We are using Gravatar to display avatars for authors and readers who have set up a Gravatar in the past.