Enable Required Reading

To enable Required Reading, there are three changes you'll need to make and a few optional changes. The steps vary a bit depending on when your knowledge base was created:

Knowledge bases created before 5 October 2023

For knowledge bases created before 5 October 2023, or created by copying a knowledge base created before that date, the steps are:

  1. Update your Settings > Style to include the Required Reading flag merge code in your Custom HTML article template.
    1. Optional: If your knowledge bases uses the Right Column layout, you can also add the flag merge code there.
  2. Update your Settings > Style to include the Required Reading acknowledgement merge code in your Custom HTML article template.
  3. In Settings > Required Reading, check the box to Enable Required Reading and Save.
  4. Optional: Use Customize Text to update any of the wording that appears in the Required Reading sections, pages, or lists.
  5. Optional: Add the Required Reading article list to your homepage or another page in your knowledge base.
  6. Optional: Add a URL redirect category or article to your table of contents to help your readers jump quickly to the Required Reading page.

See the linked resources at various steps above to get more detailed instructions for each!

Once you're done with your setup, you can start marking articles as required and tracking your readers' acknowledgements!

For knowledge bases created after 5 October 2023

For knowledge bases created after 5 October 2023, the only required step is enabling the feature:

  1. In Settings > Required Reading, check the box to Enable Required Reading and Save.
  2. Optional: Review the placement of the Required Reading flag at the top of articles and the acknowledgements section near the bottom. If you're happy with the placement, no changes are needed. If you want to move them around a bit, see Add the Required Reading flag to your article template and Add the Acknowledgements section to your article template for inspiration!
  3. Optional: Use Customize Text to update any of the wording that appears in the Required Reading sections, pages, or lists.
  4. Optional: Add the Required Reading article list to your homepage or another page in your knowledge base.
  5. Optional: Add a URL redirect category or article to your table of contents to help your readers jump quickly to the Required Reading page.

Once you're done with your setup, you can start marking articles as required and tracking your readers' acknowledgements!