Create a version

Creating versions for custom content categories and articles function slightly differently, since the two editors are laid out differently. Choose the editor you want to work with below to see correct instructions:

Article Editor

Authors with the default Editor or Writer role can create article versions. If you're using a custom role, you'll need to have the Article Permission to Create new versions of articles.

To create a version for an article:

  1. Open the article in the editor.
  2. In the Versions section near the top of the righthand column, click the Add version button.
    The versions section of the article editor. An arrow points to the Add version button.The Add version button in the Versions section
  3. From the Add version dropdown, select the version numbering convention you'd like to use.
    The versions section of the article editor. The Add version menu has been opened and displays three options: Minor, Major, and Custom.Add version options
    1. Selecting Minor (+0.01) will create an automatically numbered minor version from the current active version. So if you only have version 1.00, Minor will create a new version numbered 1.01. If you select this option, you'll immediately be taken to the next step.
    2. Selecting Major (+1.0) will create an automatically numbered major version from the current active version and any other major versions. So if you only have version 1.00, Major will create a new version numbered 2.00.  If you select this option, you'll immediately be taken to the next step.
    3. Selecting Custom allows you to manually add your own version number. We like to use dates for ours! If you select this option, a text box will appear for you to add your custom version number. Click Create once you're done adding it. The version is created and the editor updates to open that version.
      The custom version text box contains version number 2023.12.17. An arrow points to this box and to the Create button below it.
  4. If you had no unsaved changes in the editor when you began creating your new version, the new version is created from the current active version and the editor will refresh to open to that new version.
  5. If you had any unsaved changes in the editor when you began creating your new version, you'll see a pop-up warning you of these changes and asking you how you'd like to proceed:
    The article editor unsaved changes pop-up. The pop-up states: Sample unsaved changes pop-up in article editor version creation flow
  6. You can choose to:
    1. Save changes to the current version: If you select this option and then Create Version, your edits in the current version will be saved before the new version is created. If you were editing the current active version, you'll see those edits reflected in both the current version and the newly-created version. (This option is selected by default.)
    2. Discard changes to the current version: If you select this option and then Create Version, your edits in the current version will be discarded.
    3. Cancel: This option will cancel the creation of the new version and return you to your unsaved changes in the editor. This can be a good option if you want to copy the current changes without saving them to the current version.
  7. Once you make your selection and choose Create Version, the new version is created from the current active version and the editor will refresh to open to that new version.

The version you're currently viewing will have a black Viewing badge to the right:

A close-up of the Versions section showing an Active version 1.00 and version 1.01. Version 1.01 has a Viewing badge next to it. An arrow points to the badge.Sample Viewing badge

With your new version created, you can begin making edits to that version.

You can toggle between different versions by clicking on the version number. All versions are displayed in reverse chronological order (with the most recent at the top). Versions with notes will have a yellow notes icon to the right; versions without notes will have a grey icon with a white plus sign. You can click the icon to view the notes.

You can make as many changes to the new version as you'd like. They won't show until you Activate this version.

Custom Content Category Editor

Authors with the default Editor or Writer role can create custom content category versions. If you're using a custom role, you'll need to have the Category Permission to Edit categories.

To create a version for a custom content category:

  1. Open the custom content category in the editor.
  2. Click the Create a new version button in the Versions section of the right hand column.
    A close-up of the All Versions section of the category editor. An arrow points to the Create a new version button.
  3. This will open a dropdown where you can select the Version you'd like to use. If this is your first time creating a version for this article, the current live article will be version 1.00.
    The create new version dropdown, showing options for Minor Version, Major Version, and Custom.
    1. Selecting Minor (+0.01) will create an automatically numbered minor version from the current active version. So if you only have version 1.00, Minor will create a new version numbered 1.01.
    2. Selecting Major (+1.0) will create an automatically numbered major version from the current active version and any other major versions. So if you only have version 1.00, Major will create a new version numbered 2.00.
    3. Selecting Custom allows you to manually add your own version number. We like to use dates for ours! If you select this option, a text box will appear for you to add your custom version number.
  4. Once you've made your selection, click the Create button.
    The create new version section, with Major Version selected. An arrow points to the Create button.
  5. From here, one of two things might happen:
    • If you have unsaved changes in the editor when you try to create the version, a pop-up will appear over the editor asking you what you'd like to do with those unsaved changes:
      The unsaved changes pop-up, which states that you have made unsaved changes to this article and asks what you would like to do. The option to Save change to the current version is selected.
      You can choose to:
      • Save changes to the current version: If you select this option and then Create Version, your edits in the current version will be saved before the new version is created. You'll see those edits reflected in both the current version and the newly-created version. (This option is selected by default.)
      • Discard changes to the current version: If you select this option and then Create Version, your edits in the current version will be discarded. The current version and newly-created version will both contain the current version's content as it existed before you started editing.
      • Cancel: This option will cancel the creation of the new version and return you to your unsaved changes in the editor. This can be a good option if you want to copy the current changes without saving them to the current version.
      • Once you make your selection and choose Create Version, you'll continue to see the steps listed below.
  6. If you have no unsaved changes in your editor (or you continued with the Create Version process after specifying what to do with the changes), the new version will be created by taking a copy of the current version.
  7. Once your new version is created, you will automatically be taken to the new version to perform your edits.
  8. You can toggle between different versions by clicking on the version number. All versions are displayed in reverse chronological order (with the most recent at the top).
    The All Versions section of the category editor, showing versions 1.00, 2.00, and 2.01. Version 2.00 is bold and selected and has a Viewing badge next to it. An arrow points to the badge.

    You'll see a badge showing which version is currently Published and which version you are currently Viewing.

You can make as many changes to the new version as you'd like. They won't show until you Activate this version.