Author roles & custom roles

By default, KnowledgeOwl includes an Editor and Writer role, but you can create any number of custom roles to provide more nuanced permission control. Learn more about the default roles and creating custom roles here.

Default author roles

KnowledgeOwl comes with two default author roles:

  • Editor: can perform all actions in a knowledge base, including customizing any setting
  • Writer: can perform any action related to creating and editing content; does not have access to customize settings

Here's a full breakdown of each role's permissions:

Create any type of new article:
  • From scratch
  • From a template
  • From any existing article
  • Content linked to an existing article
Edit articles that are in draft modeXX
Edit articles that are publishedXX
Create new versions of articlesXX
Edit versions of articles
Delete versions of articles
Activate versions of articles
Publish articles that are in draft modeXX
Move / re-order articlesXX
Archive articles
Delete articlesXX
Edit articles in bulk
Create new categoriesXX
Edit categoriesXX
Move / re-order categoriesXX
Delete categoriesXX
Create new internal notes
Edit internal notes
Remove internal notes
Edit homepage contentXX
Create new commentsXX
Approve submitted commentsXX
Delete submitted commentsXX
Add glossary termsXX
Edit glossary termsXX
Delete glossary termsXX
Add snippetsXX
Edit snippetsXX
Delete snippetsXX
Edit filesXX
Delete filesXX
Create file labels
Edit file labels
Delete file labels
Add existing tags to articlesXX
Edit existing tagsXX
Add new tagsXX
Remove tags from articlesXX
Delete tagsXX
Create and manage exports - PDFs / HTML ZipX
Import contentX
Update article ratings settingsX
Update article favorites settings

Update basic settingsX
Update comment settingsX
Update contact form settingsX
Update PDF settingsX
Update search settings, synonyms, and reindex search
Update security settingsX
Update style / themingX
Update subscription settingsX
Update required reading settings
Update widget settingsX
View Reporting > DashboardXX
View Reporting > Contact FormXX
View Reporting > WidgetXX
View Reporting > CommentsXX
Reset individual article ratings

Reset all article ratings

Reset individual article view counts

Reset all article view counts

View required reading reports
Run Broken Links ReportXX
Run Advanced Search
Update Customize Text

To further restrict what actions an author can perform, create a custom role.

Custom author roles

If you need to lock down author permissions, you can create custom author roles to control what actions authors can perform in your knowledge base. 

Authors with full account admin access can create custom roles.

To do so:

  1. Select your profile icon/name in the upper right.
  2. Select Authors from the dropdown to view the author details for your account.
  3. Open the Roles tab.
  4. Select the + Add Custom Role button.
  5. This will open an Author Role screen where you can define the custom role in more detail:
  6. First, assign a Role Name. This is the name as it will appear in the list of roles, and will display as an option when you are assigning an authorr to this knowledge base. It should be descriptive but not too long.
  7. Next, add a Description. Though optional, this description can provide more detail about what the role's permissions do or don't include. You may also want to provide guidance around when to use this role.
  8. Finally, select the Permissionyou'd like the role to have using the checkboxes in each section. See Available custom role permissions for a more detailed breakdown of these options.
  9. Once you've finished assigning the appropriate permissions, click the Save Role button at the bottom of the screen.

Once you create a custom role, you can then assign authors to the role to further control what actions they can perform in your knowledge base.

Use cases

As Linus grows his content creating empire, he might want to have some authors who can create and edit draft articles but can't publish or delete them. These authors would mark something as Ready to Publish but an Editor or Content Reviewer might review it before officially publishing it. Linus creates a custom "Content Contributor" role and assigns authors to it.

Available custom role permissions

By default, a custom role has no permissions and you choose what each role should be able to do. Here are the categories of permissions available:

  • Article permissions
    • Create any type of new article, or specify any of the four article types (create from scratch, copy existing article, create from template, or link/sync content to an existing article). 
    • Edit draft articles
    • Edit published articles
    • Create new versions of articles
    • Edit versions of articles
    • Delete versions of articles
    • Activate versions of articles
    • Publish draft articles
    • Move or reorder articles
    • Archive articles
    • Delete articles
    • Edit articles in bulk (use the Bulk Edit link in Manage)
  • Category permissions
    • Create new categories
    • Edit categories
    • Move or reorder categories
    • Delete categories
  • Internal note permissions
    • Create new internal notes
    • Edit internal notes
    • Remove internal notes
  • Homepage permissions
    • Edit homepage content
  • Comments permissions
    • Create new comments
    • Approve submitted comments
    • Delete submitted comments
  • Glossary permissions
    • Add glossary terms
    • Edit glossary terms
    • Delete glossary terms
  • Snippet permissions
    • Add snippets
    • Edit snippets
    • Delete snippets
  • File library permissions
    • Edit files
    • Delete files
    • Create file labels
    • Edit file labels
    • Delete file labels
  • Tag permissions
    • Add existing tags to articles
    • Edit tags in the tag library
    • Add new tags
    • Remove tags from articles
    • Delete tags from the tag library
    • (Authors with the permission to edit tags and delete tags have the ability to merge tags)
  • Admin permissions
  • Reporting permissions
  • Tools permissions

If you'd like to document/audit custom roles, you can use this Excel file: KnowledgeOwl Author Roles - Excel format