The Widget Settings section is the first section in Settings > Widget (yes, these are confusingly similar). These settings determine how the widget will be opened or launched in your website/application.
The settings are basically divided into two options here:
- An automatic circular "?" icon -- no coding required!
- Attach the widget to an element of your choice (such as a menu option, top navigation link, hyperlink, icon, image, etc.) by element ID
See details below for setting up either option.
Automatic icon
With the automatic icon option, you don't need to adjust anything else on the website you're adding the code to. The script will automatically create the icon and place it based on the location setting you select.
To use this configuration, select any of the Page Position options other than Attach to Element (e.g. Bottom Right, Top Center, etc.). If you want to move the icon, you simply select a different display location from the dropdown:
Widget Settings when an icon display position is selected
- Button Page Position: use this dropdown to select the display location for the icon.
- Button Text Color: sets the color of the "?" on the icon. Use a hex color.
- Button Background Color: sets the color of the icon button. Use a hex color.
- Be sure to Save any changes you made here.
Here's what a widget icon will look like if it's configured with:
- Button Page Position: Bottom Right
- Button Text Color: White
- Button Background Color: Orange
Widget using the "Bottom Right" display settings
Attach to element
Rather than having us automatically create an icon, you can launch the widget by attaching it to an element of your choice--this can be a menu option, an icon, a hyperlink, etc.
For example, in this screenshot, the "Widget Help" link in the upper right will open the widget:
Widget Help top navigation link will launch the widget using Attach To Element
To use this option, select Attach to Element from the Button Page Position dropdown:
Widget Settings when Attach To Element is selected
- In the Button Page Position dropdown, select Attach to Element. Attach To Element is the only Button Page Position option which will let you attach the widget to an element of your choice; all other options will use the icon.
- Once Attach To Element is selected, you'll see an Element ID field. Set the Element ID to match the html ID attribute of the element you want the widget attached to in your website or application. When someone clicks on this element, the widget will open. If your developers are creating an element from scratch, we recommend using ko-launch or another obviously KnowledgeOwl-related element ID. You can use any Element ID you choose except for
; we prevent that ID from being used, and you'll see an error message if you try to use it. - Be sure to Save any changes you made here.
For example, if we used "ko-launch" as our Element ID, we might add this HTML element to a top navigation option in our other website:
<li><a class="header-link" id="ko-launch" href="javascript:void(0);">Widget Help</a></li>
That code might be included in the top navigation, producing something like this:
Widget Help top navigation link will launch the widget using Attach To Element
The Admin Settings section of Settings > Widget controls the functionality of the widget behind the scenes, including if/how it suggests content and if/how it's authenticated.
- Recommended Tab: If you are using the widget to automatically recommend content (using Using Widget 2.0 for Contextual Help: Pages to Recommend On), this option will determine what happens if the widget opens and there is only one recommended article or category in the list. If you check the box, when the widget opens and there's only a single recommended article or category, the widget will automatically open that article or category. If you leave the box unchecked, the Recommended tab displays the list containing the single article or category.
- Regex Replace URLs: If you are using the widget to automatically recommend content, it has to do a little parsing of the URLs it finds to determine what content to show. Since URLs often contain ID values that might vary from user-to-user but the same overall path, Widget 2.0 includes a built-in regex that uses an
only works with numeric and 24-digit hexadecimal IDs. For IDs that don't match either of those patterns, you would use this Regex Replace URLs field to define the regex that should be used here, and you'd use the{custom}
variable in your Recommend on Pages URLs. regex101 is a handy site that allows you to try out Regex rules against example words and phrases. When testing regex for use in KnowledgeOwl, select PCRE2 (PHP >= 7.3) under FLAVOR. - Suggested Content: This section will determine which portion of the URL the widget uses to try to identify recommended content. It has three options:
- Suggest content based off of the page path (default): use this setting if the website where you're embedding the widget uses the URL or page path to differentiate pages. For example, we use this setting for the widget in this support knowledge base, since our page URLs are formatted without query strings and with no special characters.
- Use the page query strings to suggest content: use this setting if you want to recommend based on query strings, which appear in the URL as ?variable=, such as ?s= or ?client= for example. If your website's URLs don't have query strings--or the query strings aren't meaningful for recommendation distinctions--don't use this setting.
- Disable automatic page suggestions: use this setting if you plan to consistently override the page path or query string by using our Single Page Application methods, or if you don't want the widget to suggest content at all. This effectively turns off automatic page suggestions and the widget will only provide suggestions when the
method is being used.
- Suggested Content, exclude articles that have a zero starting weight: Widget 2.0 is set up to be a "learning" widget. As people open the widget, it will track which articles or categories people end up opening from a given page. It will save this information as the Learned Bias in Widget reporting. Once the Learned Bias of a resource gets high enough, the widget will include that article or category in the Recommended tab list automatically. While this learning process can be great, if you want tight control over the content that you're recommending, you might want to disable it. Checking this box will make the widget only use the recommendations you have explicitly assigned in the Recommend On Pages (it basically ignores anything that only has a learned bias). Leaving the box unchecked will allow the widget to continue to use the learned bias to present recommended content.
- OAuth Authentication: If you want or need to authenticate your widget using OAuth2, you can use this section to generate the OAuth client secret, enable OAuth authentication, or regenerate the client secret. See Widget 2.0 OAuth2 authentication for full instructions and see Widget authentication--when and how to use it to figure out if you need authentication.
- JWT Authentication: If you want or need to authenticate your widget using JWT, you can use this section to grab your JWT client secret, enable JWT authentication, or regenerate the client secret. See Widget 2.0 JWT authentication for full instructions and see Widget authentication--when and how to use it to figure out if you need authentication.
- If you've made any changes to this section, be sure to Save them.
In Settings > Widget, the Customize Text section allows you to change a variety of text fields:
- The Knowledge, Recommended, and Contact tab labels
- The header text displayed in the Knowledge and Recommended tabs
- The Open in full site and Scroll to top actions in the footer
- The search bar placeholder and the header text displayed above Quick Search and Full Search results
- Add a custom footer that will display below the open in full site and scroll to top footer
If you want to change any of this text, check out the screenshots and descriptions below so you know you're changing the right field(s)!
Customized Text options
Widget tabs with matching Customize Text numbering
- Knowledge Tab: Text entered here will change the label for the Knowledge Tab, the first tab in the widget. This tab lets your readers browse and navigate your knowledge base. All articles clicked on in other tabs will open here, too.
- Recommended Tab: Text entered here will change the label for the Recommended Tab, the second tab in the widget. If you are using Contextual Help and Pages to Recommend On, the recommended articles for the current page display here.
- Contact Tab: Text entered here will change the label for the Contact Tab, the third tab in the widget. (This tab only displays if you are using the Contact Form in your knowledge base.)
- Open in Site: All three widget tabs include a footer which displays an Open in Site link. Clicking this link will open your full knowledge base in a separate tab, opened to the page currently displayed in the widget. (For the Recommended tab, Open in Site will take readers to your knowledge base's homepage.)
- Scroll to Top: All three widget tabs include a footer which displays a Scroll to Top link. This link is shown on non-touch devices so that if someone is scrolling through a lengthy article in the widget, they can quickly jump back to the top of the article.
- Knowledge Header: Text entered here appears at the top of the Knowledge Tab.
- Search Bar Placeholder: Text entered here is displayed in the search bar when it's empty. The search bar appears on the Knowledge and Recommended tabs.
- Recommended Header: Text entered here appears at the top of the Recommended Tab.
Quick search, full search, and custom footer
- Quick Search Header: Text entered here displays at the top of the search results as someone types into the search bar.
- Full Search Header: Text entered here displays at the top of search results once someone hits enter or completes a full search.
- Custom Footer Content: You can insert your own custom footer, which will appear below the Open in Site and Scroll to Top footer. Text entered here will display there.
In Settings > Widget, the Contact Form section allows you to change some of the text labels and placeholder text in the widget's Contact tab, including:
- Field labels
- Search results header
- Thank you message
- Add a custom footer
Widget Contact Form settings
Widget Contact Form settings in widget
- Subject: Text entered here changes the label for the Subject field.
- Details: Text entered here changes the label for the Details field.
- Name: Text entered here changes the label for the Name field.
- Email Address: Text entered here changes the label for the Email address field.
- Attachment: Text entered here changes the label for the Upload an Attachment field.
- Button: Text entered here changes the label for the button that submits the contact form.
- Suggested Resources: Text entered here changes the header above the Suggested Articles once a reader types into the Subject field.
- Expand Suggested Resources: Text entered here changes the text next to the expand arrow when the suggested resources are collapsed.
- Thank You Message: Text entered here changes the Thank you message that appears after a reader submits the contact form.
- Custom Footer HTML: You can add a custom footer which will appear below the main body of the contact form. This field accepts HTML, so you can include links to a privacy policy, data retention policy, etc.
As of July 2023, the Widget 2.0 Contact Form does not incorporate Custom Fields or ZenDesk fields in the main Knowledge Base > Contact Form settings. Contact us if you'd like to be added to the feature request for any of these fields.
In addition to changing the widget tabs, labels, and headers by using the built-in settings, you can also customize its look and feel using CSS and Javascript.
Use the Custom Widget Styles section of KB settings > Widget to add custom CSS to style your widget.
If you Save changes to these settings, they should show up nearly instantly in your live widget.
You can play around with a right-click and inspect on various fields or areas in the widget to try to identify the classes being used. Here are a few of the most frequently changed styles. You can copy and paste these in to your Custom Widget Styles section and then change the appropriate text to make adjustments.
Change the background color of the tabs
To use this code, update the value used for background-color in row 3 with the color of your choice. Here, we use a hex code but you can use rgb values, like rgb(0, 151, 167)
/* Tab color */
.widget .widget__nav a {
background-color: #0097a7;
Change the font on the tab labels
To use this code, update the font-family in row 3 from Neuton to a family of your choice.
/* Tab label font used (must be defined on the site where widget is being used */ .widget .widget__nav a { font-family: Neuton;
Change the color of all hyperlinks
To use this code, update the value used for color in row 7 with color of your choice. Here, we use a hex code but you can use rgb values, like rgb(0, 151, 167)
/* Change the color of hyperlinks */
.article-links a,
.list-links a,
.list-links i,
a {
color: #1f9baa;
Change the contact form submit button color
To use this code, update the value used for background-color in row 3 with the color of your choice. Here, we use a hex code but you can use rgb values, like rgb(0, 151, 167)
/* Contact Form submit button color */
.form .form-submit {
background-color: #fc9f00;
Change the > icon next to articles in the Knowledge tab and search results to a different icon
We use a FontAwesome chevron-right icon next to the titles of articles in the Knowledge tab and the search results.
If you'd like to change this to use a different Font Awesome icon, you'll need to know the unicode for the Font Awesome icon you'd like to use. Replace the f15c
in row 5 below with that unicode. Be sure you keep the "\" around it:
/* Change the default ">" icon in the Knowledge tab navigation (chevron-right)
and the Search results (angle-right), including Contact Form search results */
.list-links .fas.fa-chevron-right:before,
.list-links .fas.fa-angle-right:before {
content: "\f15c" !important;
Hide one of the widget's tabs
You can use CSS to hide one or more of the tabs from the widget. Refer to Hide one of the Widget 2.0 tabs for full instructions.
Custom article styles in the Widget
Some authors want to style article elements differently in the widget from their main knowledge base (such as article title, etc.).
For these customizations, instead of usingKB settings > Widget, you'll add the Custom CSS directly to Customize > Style (HTML & CSS). Preface your class selectors with .w-documentation-article
, which targets articles displayed in the widget rather than in the knowledge base.
- Go to Customize > Style (HTML & CSS).
- In the Customize HTML, CSS, and JS section, select Custom CSS.
- Add the Custom CSS for your widget article styles.
- Save.
For example, h1.hg-article-title
is the CSS selector for the article title in your full knowledge base. This sample code will let you set the article title to a 20px font-size in the widget only (you can update the font-size in row 2 to any size you'd like):
.w-documentation-article h1.hg-article-title {
font-size: 20px;
For additional customizations of behavior in the widget (such as removing some fields entirely, changing the order, etc.), you'll need to use Javascript (JS) in the widget.
To add widget JS:
- Go to Settings > Widget.
- Add your JS to the Custom Widget Javascript section.
- Save your changes.
Sample Custom Widget Javascript
You do NOT need to add <script>
tags around code entered in the Custom Widget Javascript section.
Working with the Contact tab
Javascript for the contact form needs to go inside the onTabChange
function. Inside this function, you have access to data.oldTab
and data.newTab
to hook onto the tabChange events:
//JS for the contact form needs to go inside onTabChange function
var onTabChange = function(data) {
//you have access to the data.oldTab and data.newTab to hook onto these events if it helps. Example:
console.log("Tab changed from " + data.oldTab + " to " + data.newTab);
//do some code down here
For example, this code will hide the "Upload file attachment" option in the contact form:
//JS for the contact form needs to go inside onTabChange function
var onTabChange = function(data) {
//simple example of hiding an option
//hide file attachment option
If you're using Contextual Help Widget (2.0) on a publicly-available site , we recommend adding spam protection to your contact form and contextual help widget.
You'll need to follow these steps if all the following conditions apply:
- You've enabled the Contact Form in your knowledge base.
- You've embedded the Contextual Help Widget (2.0) in a public website or application.
- You want to protect the Contextual Help Widget's Contact tab with spam protection.
Find your setup in the table below, then select the link to jump to relevant instructions.
Contact Form spam protection enabled? | Knowledge base domain | Spam protection setting | Link to instructions | reCAPTCHA Key/Secret V3 status | Widget end-user experience | Contact tab spam protection |
No | KO subdomain or private domain | Any | N/A | Not required | No different; tab submits | None |
Yes | KO subdomain | Honeypot | KO subdomains | N/A | No different; tab submits unless end-user violates honeypot restrictions | Honeypot |
Yes | Private domain | Honeypot | Private domains and honeypot | N/A | No different; tab submits unless end-user violates honeypot restrictions | Honeypot |
Yes | KO subdomain | Google reCAPTCHA | KO subdomains | Not required; automatically applied | Contact tab displays reCAPTCHA footer statement; tab submits | Google reCAPTCHA |
Yes | Private domain | Google reCAPTCHA | Private domains and reCAPTCHA | Valid key/secret required | Contact tab displays reCAPTCHA footer statement; tab submits | Google reCAPTCHA |
Yes | Private domain | Google reCAPTCHA | Haven't added V3 yet | Key/secret required but not yet added | No different; tab submits | None |
Yes | Private domain | Google reCAPTCHA | V3 added but receiving error | Key/secret required but invalid | Contact tab displays reCAPTCHA statement; reCAPTCHA error thrown when reader tries to submit | Yes, but submissions are prevented |
How it works
The Contextual Help Widget's Contact tab is aware of the spam protection setting in Customize > Contact form and will use your Default method set in Security and access > Spam protection, just as it's used in the Contact form.
For spam protection, you can choose between Google reCAPTCHA and KnowledgeOwl's homegrown honeypot solution. Refer to Spam protection for more information.
If your knowledge base uses honeypot spam protection, no change to the widget display or behavior is visible to your end-users.
If your knowledge base uses Google reCAPTCHA spam protection, the Widget Contact tab uses reCAPTCHA V3, which is a silent/invisible reCAPTCHA--no boxes to check or fire hydrants to find. reCAPTCHA calculates a score behind-the-scenes to determine if your reader is a bot or a human. Widget readers who fail the invisible V3 will not be able to submit the Contact tab. The Contact tab also displays a required statement just below the Submit button:
Sample reCAPTCHA statement
This statement is part of Google reCAPTCHA's terms of service. You can't edit or remove it as long as you're using reCAPTCHA to protect your widget.
KnowledgeOwl subdomains
As with all spam protection settings, if you're using a KnowledgeOwl subdomain (like, we handle the spam protection maintenance for you.
You'll need to change one setting to protect your widget with honeypot or Google reCAPTCHA spam protection:
- Go to Customize > Contact form.
- Check the Admin Settings box to Use spam protection on ticket submissions.
- Be sure to Save your changes.
We'll apply your knowledge base's default Spam protection method to the contextual help widget.
If your default spam protection method is set to Google reCAPTCHA, the widget's Contact tab displays a required Google reCAPTCHA statement.
If your default spam protection method is set to honeypot, no visible message or alert displays in the widget's Contact tab.
Private domains and honeypot
If you're using your own domain (like and your Security and access > Spam protection > Default method is set to Honeypot, you'll need to change one setting to protect your widget with honeypot:
- Go to Customize > Contact form.
- Check the Admin Settings box to Use spam protection on ticket submissions.
- Be sure to Save your changes.
Private domains and Google reCAPTCHA
If you're using your own domain (like and your Security and access > Spam protection > Default method is set to Google reCAPTCHA, you must add your own V3 reCAPTCHA key and secret to protect your widget's Contact tab:
- Go to Customize > Contact form.
- Check the Admin Settings box to Use spam protection on ticket submissions.
- Be sure to Save your changes.
- Now go to Security and access > Spam protection.
- In the Custom Google reCAPTCHA integration section, add a reCAPTCHA Key V3 and reCAPTCHA Secret V3. Refer to the more detailed instructions in Add reCAPTCHA.
Once you've added your V3 key, the widget displays a required Google reCAPTCHA message near the footer:
This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
Contact Form has spam protection but I haven't added my V3 reCAPTCHA key yet
If you haven't yet entered a V3 reCAPTCHA key, don't worry! Your widget Contact tab will still work. In this state, you won't see the reCAPTCHA statement in the footer and you'll have no reCAPTCHA protections. But the widget can still accept Contact form submissions.
Follow the instructions in Private domains and Google reCAPTCHA above to set up your key.
I have a V3 reCAPTCHA key but my widget displays a reCAPTCHA error
If you enter an invalid V3 reCAPTCHA key/secret, when a reader selects Submit in the Contact tab, they'll receive an error instead of the confirmation message that their request was submitted. The text reads something like: "reCAPTCHA error, could not submit request". Here's a sample of what it looks like to a reader:
To resolve this issue, re-enter your reCAPTCHA V3 Key and Secret and be sure you enter the correct values in the correct fields.
Some customers like to be able to open the widget directly to a specific article or category. The steps for each are quite similar.
To open the widget to a specific article, you'll need to use two methods:
-- this loads the specific article you want into the widget. For the article-identifier, you can use one of two options:- The article's relative permalink (for example, for this article, it would be
) - The article's ID (found by opening the article in edit mode: the ID is the number that comes after /aid/ in the URL)
- The article's relative permalink (for example, for this article, it would be;
--this call opens the widget
Using only the openArticle method will prime the widget to open to a specific article the next time it's opened by your reader.
Similarly, to open the widget to a specific category, you'll need to use two methods:
-- this loads the specific article you want into the widget. For the category-identifier, you can use one of two options:- The category's relative permalink (for example, for the Widget 2.0 category, it would be
) - The category's ID (found by opening the category in edit mode: the ID is the number that comes after /cid/ in the URL)
- The category's relative permalink (for example, for the Widget 2.0 category, it would be;
--this call opens the widget
A good way to use these methods is on a specific hyperlink in your documentation, to open the widget to a specific article. In this case, you'll insert a hyperlink with an empty URL, and add two onclick events--one for each of the methods above.
So, for example, this link opens the widget directly to the article you're reading right now. Here's the code for it:
<a href="#" name="" onclick="_ko19.openArticle('open-widget-to-a-specific-article');;return false;" title="Open widget to a specific article or category">Open widget directly to an article</a>
So, for example, this link opens the widget directly to the Widget 2.0 category you're reading right now. Here's the code for it:
<a href="#" name="" onclick="_ko19.openCategory('widget-20');;return false;" title="Widget 2.0">opens the widget directly to the Widget 2.0 category</a>
Scrolling behavior
For the hyperlinks, you can have different scrolling behavior on the main page when the link is clicked by formatting the link differently:
- Use an
by itself to force the main page to scroll to the top when the widget is opened, as in this link opens the widget directly to the article you're reading right now.<a href="#" name="" onclick="_ko19.openArticle('open-widget-to-a-specific-article');;" title="Open widget to a specific article or category">Open widget directly to an article</a>
- Use an
with areturn false;
at the end of the onclick to prevent the scroll (as used in the examples above) - You can also use
to achieve the no-scroll behavior:<a href="javascript:void(0);" name="" onclick="_ko19.openArticle('open-widget-to-a-specific-article');;" title="Open widget to a specific article or category">Open widget directly to an article</a>
Recommend On Pages allows you to provide contextual help to your readers through the embeddable Contextual Help Widget (2.0) or the API. You can provide a list of relevant articles based on the page the person opened the widget from, which may eliminate the need for them to search the knowledge base or contact you.
You can relate individual articles to pages in your knowledge base, website, or application so that they are suggested when the widget loads on the page, or you use the API to return articles for a particular page in your site. For example, if you associate articles with the "/pricing" page on your website, these articles appear when the contextual help widget is opened on that page. Alternatively, if you associate articles with the "/account" page in your application and use the API to pull articles for that page, these articles will be returned for your "/account" page.
In Widget 2.0, the Recommend on Pages will update the Recommended tab list:
Widget 2.0, Recommended tab
In order to start using this feature, you'll need to:
- Set the Widget Settings to use the appropriate Suggested Content setting
- Add URLs from your main application or website to the articles or categories you'd like to recommend in the widget or API
Configuration - Widget settings
First, in Settings > Widget, check your widget's Admin Settings and be sure that the Suggested Content option best matches how your website or application is set up. This is usually a one-time set-up.
The Suggested Content options in the Admin Settings section
Formatting your page paths
Always use relative URLs. If we are configuring articles for, take the portion of the URL that comes after that URL. For example, becomes "/pricing". Specifically, the pathname of the URL is sent. The fragment and query string are not sent (unless you've selected the option to use query strings! Then you'd want to use query strings here.)
If your website or application includes URLs that have a variable ID field in them, you can replace that ID with {id} in your URL.
{id} only works with numeric and 24-digit hexadecimal IDs. For IDs that don't match either of those patterns, you would need to use the {custom} option via regex in Settings > Widget and configure custom regex rules appropriately.
Once you have the relative URL for pages you want to specify recommended articles or categories for, you can get started.
If you are using a single page application or the URLs in your website/app don't fit well within this framework, you can call a function to send a path of your choice to the widget. See Using Widget 2.0 on Single Page Applications for more information.
The interface is a little different depending on whether you're adding articles or categories, so let's look at each in turn:
Recommending Articles
To set up an article as being recommended:
- Open the article for editing.
- Find the Recommend on Pages section in the righthand column.
- Select Add page to begin adding a new page.
Click the Add page button to begin adding a new page path to recommend this article on
- This will open an "Adding new page" section. Add your page path into the text field with the /app/documentation placeholder:
The Adding new page field will appear
- Once you've finished adding your page path, click the Save button directly under it.
Add your page path into the text box and click the Save button directly under it
- The interface will update to show the page path you added:
The page path now appears in the section with a trashcan icon to the right
- Repeat this process for any other pages you want to recommend this article on.
- Be sure to Save your article once you're done adding paths.
Update an existing recommended article path
To update an existing Recommend On Pages path:
- Open the article for editing.
- In the Recommend On Pages section, click on the text of the path you want to edit. Here, we'll edit our /pricing page path:
Click the path text to open edit mode
- Once you click on the path, the interface adjusts to say "Edit page". You can now edit the path in the text box.
The Edit page interface
- Once you've finished making your edits, click the Save button directly under the page path:
Edit the page path and then click Save
- Be sure to Save your article once you're done making your edits!
Delete an existing recommended article path
To remove a page path you no longer want to recommend this article on:
- Open the article for editing.
- In the Recommend On Pages section, click the trashcan icon to the right of the page path you want to remove:
Click the trashcan icon next to the page path to begin deletion
- In the confirmation message that appears, confirm that the page path is the one you meant to delete.
- If it's the correct page path, click OK to complete the deletion.
Confirm the path is the one you wish to delete, then select OK
- The interface updates to remove the path.
- Once you're done making changes, be sure to Save your article!
Recommending Categories
To set up a category as being recommended:
- Open the category for editing.
- Find the Recommend on Pages section in the righthand column.
- Add the relative URL to the Recommend On Pages section, then select Save.
Add one path per line
- If you want this article to be recommended on multiple pages in your application or website, add each relative URL on a separate line:
Add each new page path on a new line
- Be sure to Save the article. The next time someone opens the widget from one of those pages in your site or application, it will suggest this category.
Update an existing recommended category path
To update an existing Recommend On Pages path in a category:
- Open the category for editing.
- Find the Recommend on Pages section in the righthand column.
- Click in the text box there and edit the page path you want to adjust.
- Be sure to keep each page path on its own line in the box.
- Once you're done making edits, be sure to Save the article.
Delete an existing recommended category path
To remove a page path you no longer want to recommend this category on:
- Open the category for editing.
- Find the Recommend on Pages section in the righthand column.
- Click in the text box there and delete the page path you want to adjust.
- Be sure the remaining page paths are all on their own lines in the box.
- Once you're done making edits, be sure to Save the category.
Ordering recommended articles
If you've added several recommended articles and you'd like to set the order they display in, you can change the order in by editing the article weights for that page in Widget > Reporting. See Recommended Article Weights for more information.
If you don't want to use one of the tabs in Widget 2.0, you can hide it:
- Go to Settings > Widget.
- Copy the relevant code below and paste it into the Custom Widget Styles section:
- To hide the Knowledge tab, copy and paste this code:
/* Hide the Knowledge tab */ .widget .widget__nav li:nth-child(1) { display:none !important; }
- To hide the Recommended tab, copy and paste this code:
/* Hide the Recommended tab */ .widget .widget__nav li:nth-child(2) { display:none !important; }
- The Contact tab will only display if you have enabled Contact Form in your knowledge base. If you have Contact Form enabled but you want to hide the Contact tab, copy and paste this code:
/* Hide the Contact tab */ .widget .widget__nav li:nth-child(3) { display:none !important; }
- To hide the Knowledge tab, copy and paste this code:
- Be sure to Save your changes to the Widget settings.
Once you've configured and saved your widget settings, you'll need to add the widget embed code into your website or web-based application:
- Go to KB settings > Widget.
- Copy the code in the Widget Embed Code section.
- Paste that embed code before the closing
tag in your website or application.
Depending on your configuration and requirements, you may need to perform additional setup steps, such as:
- If your knowledge base requires authentication, review whether you need to authenticate your widget and configure Oauth2 authentication or JWT authentication.
- If your knowledge base uses a private domain and is publicly available, make sure your Contact Form has the box checked to Use spam protection on ticket submissions to prevent spam and potential DDoS attacks. Refer to Protect Widget 2.0 Contact Form with reCAPTCHA for more information.
- If you're using the widget within a single page application, refer to Using Widget 2.0 on Single Page Applications.
- If your URLs contain IDs, figure out if you can use the built-in
variable (for numeric and 24-digit hexadecimal IDs) or if you need to write your own Regex Replace URLs regex and use the{custom}
variable instead. See Widget Admin Settings for more information. - Refer to Advanced widget configuration & methods for additional methods you can use to further control the widget opening behavior, such as opening to specific articles or categories, opening to a specific tab, and more.