Do glossary terms show up in search?
They can, yes! The Search Glossary callouts settings let you display glossary definitions when readers search for terms. Refer to Add glossary terms to your search results for more detailed instructions.
Does the Glossary page show up in search?
Not by default, but you can set it so that searching the word "glossary" will direct readers to your glossary. Refer to Add the glossary page to your search results for more details.
Can you add synonyms for glossary terms?
You can add synonyms as part of a definition or add synonyms as separate terms with text like "See xyz". We recommend defining the most commonly used term and listing synonyms in the definition. You can always manually provide definitions for the synonyms in articles using the Add Glossary Term option.
This is a definition. Synonyms: this, that, the other thing
We do have a feature request to add a synonyms feature. Contact us if you are interested in this feature and we can add you to the list!
Can you link from one glossary term to another?
Not currently. You can use text like "See also: this, that, this other thing" or link to an article. Contact us if you are interested in this feature and we can add you to the list!
Can you have more than one glossary?
No. Each knowledge base has a single glossary that is used for the glossary page as well as for automatic highlighting. If you have a need for multiple glossaries, you might consider having separate knowledge bases for the content that requires different glossaries.
Can you share a glossary between multiple knowledge bases?
We don't currently have a way to share a single glossary across multiple knowledge base. However, you can create a glossary in one, export the terms, and import them into other kb. You'll need to manage the glossary for each knowledge base independently.
Can you insert the full definition into an article as plain text rather than a popover?
Not currently but we do have a feature request to create a merge code or snippet for glossary terms. Contact us if you are interested in this feature and we can add you to the list!
Can you prevent a term from being highlighted in a particular article?
If you want to prevent a glossary term from appearing highlighted in a particular place, go to the Code View and put a span tag around part of the word. For example, if you have a glossary term for an acronym like ARE but you want to prevent highlighting on something like: "These are the instructions":
These a<span>re</span> the instructions
This will prevent the glossary term highlighting.