Only use this option if you have your own developer resources; our support team will not help set up custom wrapper installations. For further customizations to widget size, behavior, and functioning, we recommend creating your own widget leveraging our API, rather than the pre-built widget.
Out of the box, the Widget 2.0 code will open the widget in a div on the righthand side of the page, overlying the content there in a div that runs the full height of the screen.
If you have top navigation or some other layout that this full-height righthand behavior isn't ideal, you have the option to specify your own wrapper div for the widget. You can then size and place that div directly, giving you better control over height and placement.
Please note: the wrapper will not change the width of the widget; that is always set to 370px.
To identify the wrapper, add a variable for _ko19.containerId to the widget embed code below the base_url, and provide the id of the div you'd like to use:
_ko19.containerId = "my-custom-div-id";
For example, here, I've referenced a div with the ID of "widget-custom":
Sample usage of the _ko19.containerID
You'll need to be sure that div exists on the site where you're embedding the widget, and style it appropriately.