Add a Required Reading article list to your homepage

Want to display some of the required articles directly on your homepage? You can do that, too.

We've created an article list merge code specifically for this purpose!

The Required Reading feature and list only work with individual reader accounts. Knowledge bases with default access set to public, shared passwords, or shared IP addresses cannot use this feature.

How does it work?

To set up, you'll add the merge code for the list where you'd like the information to be displayed. KnowledgeOwl will display up to 10 of the most recently required articles in the list, and the See more link at the bottom will navigate readers directly to the Required Reading page to view a full list and see which articles they need to acknowledge.

Sample Required Articles list

If your knowledge base allows a mixture of public and private content, the Required Reading Article List will show as empty/blank for anyone who hasn't logged in.


By default, the 5 most recently required articles will be displayed. You can change this to display between 1-10:

  1. Go to Settings > Basic.
  2. Scroll to the Article List Settings section.
  3. Click on the dropdown next to Required Reading Articles and select the number of articles you'd like the list to display (1-10).
  4. Be sure to Save your changes.

Some assembly required
We do not add this list to any section of your knowledge base by default.

If you'd like to add it, you'll add two merge codes into either the top-level Homepage content editor or into the Settings > Style > Custom HTML of the relevant layouts:

  • [translation("required-reading:required-reading-list-heading")]: this merge code grabs the Required Reading list heading in Tools > Customize Text > Customize Text, making it so no one has to edit the code in the future to update the title
  • [template("required-articles")]: this merge code generates the required articles list

Different setups are discussed further below.

Add the Required Articles List to your homepage (Settings > Style)

Newer knowledge bases have their entire homepage set in Settings > Style. If your knowledge base uses this layout, you can follow these instructions to add the Required Articles List there. (If your knowledge base doesn't show any article lists in Settings > Style > Custom HTML > Homepage, skip these and follow the next set of instructions!)

  1. Go to Settings > Style.
  2. Below the Preview pane, be sure Custom HTML is selected.
  3. Select Homepage from the Custom HTML dropdown.
  4. Near the bottom of the code editor, find the div with class="homepage-widgets row".
  5. Copy one of the other article lists and paste that code in again.
  6. Replace the title merge code with: 
  7. Replace the list merge code with:
  8. Your code should now look something like this, with the changes in row 5:
            <div class="homepage-widgets row">
                <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6"><h3>[translation("article-lists:popular-articles")]</h3>[template("pop-articles")]</div>
                <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6"><h3>[translation("article-lists:new-articles")]</h3>[template("new-articles")]</div>
                <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6"><h3>[translation("article-lists:updated-articles")]</h3>[template("up-articles")]</div>
                <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6"><h3>[translation("required-reading:required-reading-list-heading")]</h3>[template("required-articles")]</div>
  9. You can Preview your changes to be sure they look right.
  10. Be sure to Save your changes once you're done!

Add the Required Articles List to your homepage (Homepage)

If you're using our older homepage:

  1. In the left navigation, go to  Homepage.
  2. Copy one of the other homepage lists and paste it in again.
  3. Replace the title merge code with: 
  4. Replace the list merge code with:
  5. Save.

Your homepage might now look like this:

The Homepage custom content editor. It displays the base-cats template followed by four sections: Popular Articles, New Articles, Updated Articles, and a section with the translation merge code title referenced above and the required articles template below it.Sample Homepage editor layout with Required Articles list added