You might want to add a search box to your glossary page if you:
- Have a lot of glossary terms
- Have readers who frequently reference your glossary
- and/or have a link to your glossary in your table of contents
We've worked up a code snippet that:
- Creates a search box at the top of the Glossary with "Search glossary" placeholder text
- As you type to search, it will collapse glossary letters/sections with no matches and highlight terms that match your search phrase in yellow (you can change this color)
Here it is in action with the default settings:

Create the snippet and add it to your knowledge base
To add this search box to your glossary:
- Go to Library > Snippets.
- Click the + Create New Snippet button.
- This will open a Snippet details screen. Give your snippet a Name, like "Glossary Search".
- Give your snippet a Description, like "This snippet adds a search box to the glossary."
- In the Snippet Content section, click the dropdown to select the Code Editor.
- Copy the code below and paste it into the Code Editor window.
<script> $(function(){ //Glossary if($('.hg-glossary-page') && $('.hg-glossary-page').length >= 1) { $('.page-header').append('<input type="text" id="glossary-search" placeholder="Search glossary">'); $('input[id=glossary-search]').keyup(function() { $('.glossary-term').removeHighlight(); var term = $(this).val().toLowerCase(); $('.glossary-term').each(function() { if ($(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(term) > -1) { $(this).show().highlight(term); } else { $(this).hide(); } }); }); } }); </script> <script src="//"> </script> <style> /* Style the search box */ #glossary-search { height: 28px; font-size: 14px; float: right; width: 300px; padding: 2px; } /* Highlight color for search term matches */ .highlight { background-color: yellow; } </style>
- Once you're done, click the Create button in the upper right.
- So a completed snippet might look like this:
- Once your snippet is created, copy the snippet Merge Code Value.
- Go to Settings > Style.
- Below the preview pane, click on Custom HTML and be sure the Body is selected.
- Paste your merge code in at the bottom of your Custom HTML Body (or between scripts), and save.
- You should now have a search box on your glossary page!
Common tweaks
Once the snippet is working, you can make changes to the snippet to adjust the style:
- Change the placeholder text: In row 4 (the first script at the top):
$('.page-header').append('<input type="text" id="glossary-search" placeholder="Search glossary">');
Replace "Search glossary" with the placeholder text you'd like to use, for example:$('.page-header').append('<input type="text" id="glossary-search" placeholder="Start typing to search glossary...">');
- Change the highlight color: in the style section, at row 41, replace the .highlight background-colorwith a color of your choice, for example:
/* Highlight color for search term matches */ .highlight { background-color: #80bd01; }
- Change the style of the search box: you can change the height, font-size, width, etc. by updating the appropriate values in the style section's #glossary-search styles.