Add files in bulk

To add multiple images, videos, or files at once:

  1. In the left navigation, select Files. The Files library opens.
  2. Select Add Files. The Upload Files modal opens.
  3. Add files to the modal using one of these two methods:
    1. Drag files from your desktop or File Explorer and drop them in the modal near Drag files here.
    2. Select Browse to Files, select the files you want to add, and open them.
  4. Once you've added the files you'd like to upload, select Upload Files... to complete the upload.
    An Upload Files modal with four files added. An arrow points to the Upload Files... button.Sample Upload Files modal with files added
  5. A progress bar displays in the modal while the upload runs. Once the upload is complete, the modal closes.

Duplicate files
If you upload a file with the same name as something that already exists in your File Library, KnowledgeOwl appends a random 6 character code on the end, using a-f0-9. This helps enforce uniqueness in the file names and URLs and makes it easier to identify when you may have duplicate files.