What are version notes?

For each version of an article, you can add Version Notes.

Version Notes give you a free-form text field you can use to communicate author-only notes about the versions.

Use them for things like:

  • Summarize the changes you made in this version from the current active version.
  • Add notes about the content owner or subject matter expert you consulted.
  • Provide editorial feedback to other authors.

In the Versions list, versions without any notes will have a yellow icon with a plus sign to the right of them.

Versions that have notes will have a similar icon with two lines in it.

For example, in the screenshot below, version 1.00 doesn't have version notes, but all the other versions do:

The Versions section of the article editor. Five versions are listed. Four have a yellow talk icon with two lines in it next to them. Version 1.00 has a yellow talk icon with a plus sign in it next to it.