Article Merge Codes

Here are the available template merge codes for use in Settings > Style, Custom HTML > Article. Many can also be used directly within individual articles, categories, and subcategories.

Template Merge CodeDescriptionExample
[article("body")]The "body" merge code will display the contents of the current category or article.This merge code only works in Custom HTML > Article. It does not work inside articles. If it did, it would create an infinite loop of loading content inside of content. It might be fun to see, but it would break KnowledgeOwl horribly.
[article("title")]The "title" merge code will display the category or article title. Article Merge Codes
[article("toc_title")]The "toc_title" merge code will display the Table of Contents Title (if set).Article
[article("pdf_download_tool")]The "pdf_download_tool" merge code will display a PDF icon that will download the contents of the current category or article when clicked.
The "version" merge code will display the version number of the current active version.
The "url" merge code will display the full URL to the article.
[article("date_created")]The "date_created" merge code will display the date and time the current category or article was created.07/12/2015 2:24 pm EDT
[article("date_modified")]The "date_modified" merge code will display the date and time the current category or article was last modified.05/29/2024 5:27 pm EDT
If an article has an explicit Published Date set, the "date_published" merge code will display that date.
The "last_modified_by" merge code displays the name of the author who most recently saved changes to this article.
Kate Mueller
The "thumbnail" merge code displays a thumbnail image, if one is set in the article editor.

The "banner" merge codes displays a banner image, if one is set in the article editor.

The "category" merge code displays the ID of the article's immediate parent category.
The "parent_ids" merge code displays a comma-separated list of the article's parent categories as they appear in the breadcrumbs.
The "action_icons" merge code displays the various article action icons next to the article's title (PDF, print, email, and favorites if Favorites have been enabled). This merge code replaces older hard-coded HTML.
See icons at the top of this page next to the article title. :)
The "favorites_action" merge code displays the favorites icon (a star), if Favorites are enabled in the knowledge base.
See How favorites work for sample screenshots and Change the favorites star icon for updating to a different icon.
The "required_reading_flag" merge code displays the "this article is required to read" statement for use with Required Reading.
See Required Reading overview for sample screenshots.
The "required_reading_acknowledgement" merge code displays the acknowledgement section for use with Required Reading.
See Required Reading overview for sample screenshots.
The "rating" merge code displays the rating text and controls as set up in Settings > Article Ratings.

The "comments" merge code displays the leave a comment options as set up in Settings > Comments.