Only available to older knowledge bases
New knowledge bases created after 6 December 2023 don't have the option to select different themes or layouts; they use the Minimalist theme and Left two column layout.
If you have a new knowledge base that needs to use one of our older themes, please contact us
to enable the older themes. (Note that switching to the older themes removes some options, like the Table of Contents control.)
Your knowledge base theme dictates the overall layout of your knowledge base, including the top navigation, table of contents, search bar, and article layout.
You can choose from one of four themes on the Settings > Style page.
Each theme has a different layout and style associated with it:
The Support theme is a theme built on top of the Minimalist theme. Loosely based on the theme we use here in our support knowledge base, you can achieve it using the Minimalist theme with Two left columns layout. We automatically copy this theme customization into all new-from-scratch knowledge bases, but if you'd like to try out adapting an existing knowledge base using the Custom CSS and other tweaks we use, see Use the new Support theme for full details!
Support theme homepage
Support theme with table of contents expanded
Support theme article view
Minimalist is our default theme, inspired by some common theme changes we've seen customers make in their own knowledge bases.
It features:
- A slide-out table of contents automatically collapsed to maximize screen real estate.
- You can Change the slideout Table of Contents' width if you'd like.
- A simplified design to keep the focus on your content
- A site-wide footer
- No default knowledge base text in the top navigation, so you can add a logo that has its own text.
- Left- and right-hand white space to keep the focus on content, though you can add things to the righthand column.
- The tightest integration with the various color area pickers of all our themes.
Minimalist theme homepage
Minimalist theme with table of contents expanded
Minimalist theme article view
Our Classic theme features:
- An always-present table of contents on the lefthand side which scrolls independently from the contents of the page.
- A standard navigation bar across the top, with space for a logo.
- Automatic display of your knowledge base's name
- Can be configured to keep the righthand column empty or display content such as related articles, etc.
Classic theme homepage
Classic theme article view
Our Clayton theme was created by and named for one of our customers, and its focus is on using the full height of your screen for your content. It features:
- An always-present lefthand table of contents which includes all navigation.
- No standard navigation bar across the top; all navigation is done through the lefthand column.
- Can be configured to keep the righthand column empty or display content such as related articles, etc.
Clayton theme homepage
Clayton theme article
Our Modern theme features:
- An always-present table of contents on the lefthand side which scrolls as the page scrolls.
- A standard navigation bar across the top, with space for a logo.
- Automatic display of your knowledge base's name
- Nearly full-screen width to display content.Modern theme homepageModern theme article