Import glossary terms

If you already have a list of terms you'd like to add to your glossary, you can choose to import those terms in bulk, saving you time from having to create them each individually. To do so, you'll need the terms in a CSV file that includes columns for:

  • The glossary term: the word or phrase you want to define
  • An alternate title (in the interface, this is called the display title): If you want to display a phrase with an acronym or other prohibited punctuation, you'll need to use a display title. While you don't have to use a display title, the import won't succeed without having an alternate title column present.
  • The term's definition

To add multiple glossary terms at once:

  1. Go to Knowledge Base > Glossary.
  2. Click the Import Terms button.
    Click the Import Terms button
  3. Click the Example Glossary CSV link in the lower left to download a sample CSV file you can use as a template.
    Example Glossary CSV
  4. Use the template as a model; replace the terms, display titles, and definitions there with your own. Once your CSV has all your glossary terms in it, you can repeat the steps above and click Choose File to add your file.
  5. If your CSV contains a header row, like our sample CSV file, check the box next to Skip the first row of the CSV. If your CSV file has no header row, leave this box unchecked.
    Be sure that the first two rows of your CSV are not empty. (If they are, the importer won't "see" any data and won't import anything!)
  6. If this is your first time adding terms, you can choose either the Update or Skip option. If you already have glossary terms, you'll need to tell the importer what you want it to do if your CSV contains terms that match terms you already have:
    1.  Update existing terms with the new definitions will overwrite the existing definition with the term's definition in your CSV file
    2. Skip existing terms will keep the existing definition you have for the term
    3. Here's a sample upload with my file added, skipping the first row and updating existing terms:
      Sample upload
  7. Once you've made your selections, click the Import Terms button.
  8. If for some reason we are unable to import your glossary terms due to an invalid character, a message will be displayed with the rows that threw the error. See Troubleshooting glossary term imports if you run into this issue.
  9. If we're able to import the CSV file, you'll see a progress bar while the import processes. Depending on the size of your glossary, this may appear for a split second or up to a minute.
  10. Once the progress bar disappears and redirects you back to the Glossary page, your terms have been imported.

Glossary terms will automatically be displayed in alphabetical order, with terms beginning with numbers appearing first. When your glossary gets larger, you can use the search feature to quickly find a term.