Homepage overview

Your knowledge base's homepage is the initial landing page that readers will see if they go to your default link. Usually, the homepage includes things like customer support contact information, announcements, or a description of what the knowledge base contains. You can also show a list of newest and most popular articles!

There are two places you can edit your homepage, depending on what type of edit you want to make:

  1. The Homepage option in the lefthand navigation: This opens the homepage editor where you can add more content to your homepage, like announcements, instructions, or welcome videos.
  2. Settings > Style > Custom HTML > Home Page: Here you can edit the overall layout, add or remove the article lists, and more. (You can also adjust styles for how things display in the Custom CSS  section.) The text entered in the Homepage editor mentioned above gets inserted wherever the [homepage("body")] template is:
    The text entered in the Homepage editor will display where the homepage body template is

Knowledge bases created before October 2022 or created from copies of knowledge bases created before then may have most of their HTML in Homepage instead of Settings > Style > Custom HTML > Home Page.

If you are editing Settings > Style > Custom HTML > Home Page, the homepage("body") template mergecode must appear in the Custom HTML for the Home Page, even if the Homepage editor is empty.