Delete a version

Have versions you don't need anymore? You can delete them in two ways.

As with the rest of the version interface, the instructions here differ based on whether you're deleting an article version or a custom content category version, so select the editor below so you get appropriate directions.


Authors with the default Editor or Writer role can delete article versions. If you're using a custom role, you'll need to have the Article Permission to Delete versions of articles.

You can delete a version in two ways from within the article editor. If you're currently viewing the version you'd like to delete:

  1. Click the triple dot Version actions menu to the right of the version in the Versions section.
  2. Select Delete from the Version actions dropdown.
    Click the triple dot Version actions menu and select Delete from the dropdown
  3. This will open a pop-up to confirm you meant to delete this version. Click OK to complete the deletion.
    Sample version delete confirmation pop-up
  4. Upon deletion, the editor will refresh and open the current active version.

To delete a version when you aren't viewing it:

  1. Click the trashcan icon to the right of another inactive version to delete:
    Click the trashcan icon next to other inactive versions to delete them
  2. This will open a pop-up to confirm you meant to delete this version. Click OK to complete the deletion.
    Sample version delete confirmation pop-up
  3. The editor won't refresh, but the deleted version will disappear from the list.

Custom content category

Authors with the default Editor or Writer role can delete custom content category versions. If you're using a custom role, you'll need to have the Category Permission to Edit categories.

You can delete a version in two ways. If you're currently viewing the version you'd like to delete:

  1. Check the box next to Delete this version in the upper right.
  2. Save the article.

From any other version, you can also click the red X to the left of other non-published versions to delete them:
Red X to the left of other versions will prompt a delete

This will open a pop-up to confirm you meant to delete this version. Click OK to complete the deletion.