Uptime Service Level Agreements

We strive to provide the best possible uptime. For those customers that demand more than good intentions, we offer uptime service level agreements on our Business and Enterprise plans.

View our uptime on our KnowledgeOwl status page.

Business SLA

When your knowledge base is business critical, we recognize that you are taking a big risk by trusting a third party to maintain the availability and performance of your knowledge base. That's why we guarantee a 99.5% uptime for customers on the Business plan. 

How it works

  • We guarantee a 99.5% monthly uptime for customers with the Business Extras subscription.
  • Customers can monitor our uptime on our status page and view historical data.
  • If we fail to meet that level of service for any month, Business Extras customers will automatically receive a credit on their next billing cycle corresponding to the amount of downtime:
    • Less than 99.5% uptime in a given month (more than 3 hours and 39 minutes downtime) = 1 week credit
    • Less than 98.5% uptime in a given month (more than 10 hours 57 minutes downtime) = 2 week credit
    • Less than 97.5% uptime in a given month  (more than 18 hours 16 minutes downtime) = 1 month credit

Refer to SLA Definitions for definitions of uptime and downtime and view the events we exclude from this policy.

Enterprise SLA

Our Enterprise customers get the best SLA we can offer. We have you covered with a 99.9% guaranteed uptime and higher thresholds for service level credits. 

How it works

  • We guarantee a 99.9% monthly uptime for customers on the Enterprise plan.
  • Customers can monitor our uptime on our status page and view historical data.
  • If we fail to meet that level of service for any month, Enterprise plan customers will automatically receive a credit on their next billing cycle corresponding to the amount of downtime:
    • Less than 99.9% uptime in a given month (more than 44 minutes downtime)  = 1 week credit
    • Less than 99.5% uptime in a given month (more than 3 hours 39 minutes downtime) = 2 week credit
    • Less than 99.0% uptime in a given month (more than 7 hours 18 minutes downtime) = 1 month credit

Refer to SLA Definitions for definitions of uptime and downtime and view the events we exclude from this policy.

SLA Details

What is uptime?

Uptime is the percentage of total possible time KnowledgeOwl is available to you. Monthly uptime is calculated by dividing the number of minutes of downtime by the total number of minutes in the month. Visit our status page to view our current and historical uptime.

What is downtime?

Downtime refers to time when KnowledgeOwl is not available.

How is downtime calculated? 

We use external server monitoring software Pingdom to monitor our servers. 

SLA Exclusions

Our uptime SLA excludes performance issues caused by:

  • Scheduled downtime or maintenance. We'll give you 48 hours advance notice and schedule no more than 12 hours per year. 
  • Factors outside of our reasonable control, aka force majeure in legalese. This includes things like acts of war, terrorism, crime, and God (hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, etc).
  • Actions or inactions of a third party. This can range from things like you allowing your privately hosted domain name to lapse to a DDoS attack.
  • Your services/equipment or third party services/equipment that are not within the primary control of KnowledgeOwl. This could be your own firewall preventing connection to KnowledgeOwl or an outage with KnowledgeOwl's hosting provider, Amazon Web Services.
  • Suspension or termination of your right to use KnowledgeOwl in accordance with our terms and conditions. This could be the result of using your knowledge base for illegal activities such as a phishing scheme or being seriously past due on payment (more than 90 days).