Reorder categories within a section, or move categories between sections.

Reorder categories or articles by rearranging their order in Knowledge Base > Articles.
- Hover over the article or category you want to move.
- Click on the up and down arrow icon to the right of each category or article, and drag and drop the content where you want it. Follow these instructions to move content outside the current level.
In Knowledge Base > Articles, in addition to reordering content inside the current level, you can also:
- Move articles and categories to the top category level
- Move articles and categories into other categories (note that some category types cannot contain subcategories)
- Move articles and categories into other subcategories
To do this:
- Click and hold on the title of the article or category you want to move.
- Drag and drop it into the desired category, or drop it in the outline box for "Move to Top Level".
Sample gif showing the above steps. Hover to play.
If you don't want to mess with drag and drop, you can also change the category an article or subcategory is located in the editor. To do so:
- Open the article or category you want to move for editing.
- In the righthand column of the editor, find the Category section. If the section is collapsed, expand it.
- To make the content a top-level category or article, select the trashcan icon (article editor) or the red X icon (category editor) to remove the category entirely. Be sure to Save after making this change!
Use the trashcan icon in the article editor to remove the category completely
- To replace the current category with a different category, select the Change category button (article editor) or click the gear cog icon next to the category title (category editor).
The Change category button in the article editor.
- This will open a Set Article Category pop-up where you can search for the new category by typing the name.
The Set Article Category pop-up in the article editor
- Once you type a few letters, a list of matching categories appears. Select the category you want to switch to.
Sample category lookup based on word(s) typed
- Once you've made your selection, click the Change Category button.
Select Change Category to finish selecting the category
- This will open a Set Article Category pop-up where you can search for the new category by typing the name.
- Be sure to Save your changes.