Change the homepage welcome text

A new knowledge base will display a title at the top saying "Welcome to...." with the knowledge base name after it. We populate this text based on the name you initially picked out for your knowledge base.

If you want to change that text, there are a couple different ways to do it.

If you just want to update the portion that comes after "Welcome to...": that text is based on the name of your knowledge base as it's defined in Settings > Basic. If you want to rename your knowledge base completely (which will also update that welcome text):

  1. Go to Settings > Basic.
  2. Update the Knowledge base name.
  3. Be sure to Save your changes.

If you want to update the "Welcome to..." text in any other way:

  1. Go to Homepage.
  2. In the Homepage content section, edit the Title text.
  3. You can Preview your changes to be sure you like them.
  4. Then Save once you're done.

(You can also Remove the homepage welcome text completely if you so choose!)

That didn't work...

If editing the Homepage content Title in Homepage doesn't make any changes in your knowledge base, that generally means someone's already customized your homepage a bit.

In this case:

  1. Go to Settings > Style.
  2. Below the preview pane, be sure Custom HTML is selected.
  3. In the Custom HTML dropdown, select Homepage.
  4. Our default layout includes the title in an h1 with class="hg-article-title xcolor", and someone may have edited the text there. You can update the title to one of your choice here, too!
    The Custom HTML Homepage editor in Style Settings. A callout has been added to draw attention to the h1 with the classes of hg-article-title and xcolor.
    Sample edited title in the Custom HTML
  5. You can Preview Changes to be sure you edited the right thing.
  6. Be sure to Save once you like the changes you've made.