Glossary formatting

To use the glossary, you'll need to create glossary terms and give each term a definition. You can also include an optional display title.

The term is the word that you expect someone to see in your documentation; the definition is the definition you'd like displayed for that term. If you're using the built-in glossary page or are showing glossary terms in search results, the display title is used in those places instead of the term, which allows you to include an acronym alongside the term, etc.

Sample glossary term + definition


Glossary terms may contain:

  • Alpha-numeric characters
  • Spaces ( )
  • Dashes (- and --)
  • Underscores ( _ )
  • Apostrophes ( ' )

Other characters (like parentheses and quotation marks) will be removed.

Display titles

Use display titles to display a different title for the term on:

These titles are automatically formatted in bold. They can include parentheses and quotation marks, which are prohibited in the terms.

When a display title is used, that title's spelling will be used for the glossary page alphabetical listing.

Display titles are used for the glossary page display only and have no impact on automatic highlighting.


You can style text in glossary definitions using HTML:

  • Bold <b>
  • Italics <i>
  • Underline <u>
  • Hyperlinks <a>
  • Superscript <sup>
  • Subscript <sub>
  • Paragraph breaks <br>
  • Strong <strong>
  • Emphasis <em>

Use plain HTML format to add these.

If you're not familiar with HTML, you can also format the text you want in an article editor, switch to the Code View or Source, copy the HTML from there, and paste it into your glossary definition.

You can add links to articles or other pages in glossary definitions using plain html:

This is the definition. For more information, see <a href="/help/amazing-article">this amazing article</a>.

Glossary definitions cannot contain images. They often don't format well in the pop-overs and can lead to broken HTML, so we don't allow them. We recommend inserting a link to the image in the definition, instead.