Glossary feature overview

Does your documentation use common terms, acronyms, or abbreviations that might confuse or trip up your readers?

Use the Glossary to define a list of key terms, acronyms, and abbreviations and provide definitions for those terms in your content.

Sample glossary

Here, you can define the terms, acronyms, and abbreviations used in your documentation. They're sorted and displayed alphabetically automatically. If you have terms beginning with numbers, these will be sorted and displayed first.

Readers can view your full glossary and access it from your table of contents.

Want to provide definitions in-context as your readers are exploring your content? Automatically highlight glossary terms a set number of times in articles or manually insert definitions as you create content.

Highlighted glossary terms get a double underline in articles and the definition will appear in a pop-up when readers hover over that term:

Screenshot showing a sample glossary term with double underline and on-hover definitionSample glossary term underlining and on-hover definition

The glossary highlighting feature is a great way to improve consistency in your documentation while minimizing redundant work and keeping your docs looking clean.