Reader Merge Codes

Here are the available template merge codes for use in any of the following locations:

  • Settings > Style
  • Homepage
  • Knowledge Base > Articles
  • Knowledge Base > Contact Form
Template Merge Code Description
The "id" merge code will display the current reader's ID (which you can see in the UI if you open the reader's details--the ID is the final portion of the URL).
The "username" merge code will display the current reader's username / login. This will work with both readers and authors.
[reader("first-name")] The "first-name" merge code will display the current reader's first name.
[reader("last-name")] The "last-name" merge code will display the current reader's last name.
[reader("full-name")] The "full-name" merge code will display the current reader's first and last name.
[reader("groups")] The "groups" merge code will display a comma-separated list of the current reader's groups.
[reader("ssoid")] The "ssoid" merge code will display the current reader's SSOID. Only shows anything for readers logging in through Single Sign-On.
[reader("custom1")] The "custom1" merge code will display whatever is specified in the Custom 1 field for any given reader.
[reader("custom2")] The "custom2" merge code will display whatever is specified in the Custom 2 field for any given reader.
[reader("custom3")] The "custom3" merge code will display whatever is specified in the Custom 3 field for any given reader.
[reader("custom4")] The "custom4" merge code will display whatever is specified in the Custom 4 field for any given reader.
[reader("custom5")] The "custom5" merge code will display whatever is specified in the Custom 5 field for any given reader.