Knowledge base backup

Do I need to back up my knowledge base?

If you're asking because you want a backup in case KnowledgeOwl itself has an issue, the answer is: only out of an abundance of caution.

We take a complete backup of our systems daily, stored in two separate geographic locations, and we have a disaster recovery process. In the event of a true catastrophe on our side, we would restore all customer knowledge bases from one of these backups. For most customers, this disaster recovery process is sufficient, but check with your information security officer or team to be sure. Refer to Security and reliability for more information on our data center security and data protection policies.

If you're asking because you have compliance or other security measures requiring you to store a backup yourself, the answer is probably yes, take your own backups.

You can back up your knowledge base in two ways:

  1. Use the HTML Zip export to take an exported copy of the HTML in your knowledge base and the files referenced in that HTML.
    1. This export is usually sufficient for compliance purposes, though you may want to take a sample export and share it with your information security officer or team to verify.
    2. Note that this export includes a lot of the HTML templates and wrappers we use to make your knowledge base display the way it does.
  2. Craft your own backup using the API.
    1. For article backup, use the List articles endpoint to get an export of all the HTML for your articles.
    2. The articles endpoint doesn't include screenshots and files referenced by articles, snippet content, or article version history. Consider including other endpoints in your backup, such as snippet, file, articleversion, and so on.

Can I import my export to a new knowledge base?

No. KnowledgeOwl doesn't currently support importing an exported knowledge base. But if it's a feature you'd like to have, contact us and request it!