Copy a knowledge base's theme

If you have more than one knowledge base in your account, you can import a theme from another knowledge base using the Reset Theme option in Customize > Style:

The Reset Theme section

This can be a fantastic timesaver if you have branding, colors, or other customizations that you don't want to painstakingly copy into a new knowledge base.

To use this option:

  1. Go to Customize > Style (HTML & CSS).
  2. In the left menu, select Reset Theme to expand the section.
  3. Select the Reset to default or use settings from another knowledge base dropdown.
  4. In the Knowledge Bases section, select the knowledge base whose theme you'd like to copy.
  5. Select Reset.
  6. A modal opens to confirm that you want to reset the current knowledge base with the other knowledge base's theme. Select OK to complete the reset.

What is reset

The reset updates:

  • Colors
  • Fonts
  • Logo
  • Favicon
  • All Custom CSS
  • All Custom HTML
  • The Custom <Head>
  • All Colors

What isn't reset

Any settings in Customize > Homepage aren't reset.

If the two knowledge bases display different Theme, Layout, and Table of contents sections in the left menu of Style Settings, these also won't be reset:

  • Older knowledge bases show the Theme and Layout sections, but don't show the Table of contents section.
  • Newer knowledge bases don't show the Theme and Layout sections, but do show the Table of contents section.

If the reset knowledge base and the source knowledge base don't both show the same sections, the reset knowledge base defaults to showing the Theme and Layout sections and not showing the Table of contents section.

If you need to enable or disable the Table of contents section after performing a reset, contact us and one of our support owls can toggle the setting behind the scenes that enables that section!