If you update content in an article and you'd like to re-require readers to acknowledge reading it--never fear, you can do that!
To do so, you'll add an additional Start Date to the Required section of the editor:
- Open the article for editing.
- Scroll to the Required Reading section.
- Select the Set Next Start Date button.
Select Set Next Start Date to add an additional start date
- Choose the new Start Date you'd like to add from the date picker.
- Be sure to Save your changes.
When multiple Start Dates exist for an article, we compare the readers' history of acknowledgements to those dates to determine whether they need to acknowledge the article.
So for example, let's say I have a policy we update internally.
- I set an original Start Date for it being required on 1st October 2023.
- Linus, my reader, acknowledged that article on 15th October 2023.
- Then I made some updates to the article on 15th November 2023, so I added a new start date for 15th November.
The next time Linus checks Required Reading, it will say that he still needs to acknowledge this article. Once he acknowledges after 15th November, it will show as acknowledged for him again.
Both of Linus' acknowledgements for this article will show up in the Required Reading report, one with a Date of Record for 15th October, and one for his next acknowledgement. 😉