If you have a knowledge base that Requires login to view files/images and that knowledge base existed before 2025:
We've updated the way our secure file library works. You may need to make changes to use the most recent changes.
We used to load secure file library using cookies. Over time, that behavior has gotten less consistent, so we've been transitioning most of our customers to use our new temporary access link method. If you're still using the cookie-based method, we recommend you switch to the new temporary access link method because it's more consistent and doesn't rely on browsers allowing cookies.
Check if your knowledge base is affected
First, check your knowledge base's settings. We've transitioned many customers to the new settings so you may not need to do anything:
- Go to Security and access > Security settings.
- In the Reader security options section, find the Image / file security header.
- If the Require authentication box is checked and there are two options beneath it, you're still using the old cookie-based method:
If the Require authentication box is checked and looks like this, you're still using the old cookie-based method.
- Follow the next set of instructions to update to temporary access links.
- If the Require authentication box is checked and there are no options beneath it, your knowledge base is already using the latest method and you don't need to do anything!
You don't need to do anything if the section looks like this
Change access type to temporary access links
Complete during off-hours
This change will migrate how your files and references to them are stored. It takes some time to complete. Images and files may appear broken while the migration is in-progress.
We recommend completing this process outside of peak usage hours.
- Go to Security and access > Security settings.
- In the Reader security options section, find the Image / file security header.
- Select the option to Allow access with temporary access links. The Migrate secure files to use temporary access links? modal opens.
- If you're ready to migrate to temporary access links, select Migrate Secure Files.
- A progress bar displays to let you know the migration is in-progress. You can navigate away. The page updates once the migration has completed successfully.
Once you migrate, we'll update all the links to your files from the previous Cloudfront URL to a secure-files.knowledgeowl.com URL. Links within your knowledge base update automatically, but if you share links to files or have them bookmarked, update those links to the new URLs.