Reset article ratings

Once you're using article ratings, you may want to reset an article back to zero ratings. This might be:

  • When you publish a new version, to ensure that all ratings apply only to the latest version.
  • On a set schedule, depending on your quality control processes.

From Reporting > Dashboard, you can delete all article ratings:

  • For an individual article
  • For all articles' ratings, ever

Point of no return
Resetting an article's ratings will permanently delete all existing ratings from the dashboard and the CSV export. This action cannot be undone!

Authors with the default Editor or Writer role can reset article ratings. If you're using a custom role, you'll need to have the Dashboard Permission to Reset individual article ratings and Reset all article ratings, respectively.

Delete an individual article's ratings

To delete all ratings for an individual article:

  1. Go to Reporting > Dashboard.
  2. In the Article Ratings Report, find the table row of the article whose ratings you'd like to reset.
  3. Select the Reset Ratings trashcan in that row. The Article Ratings Reset modal opens.
  4. If the article name displayed in the modal is the article whose ratings you want to delete, select OK to complete the reset. The article's ratings will be removed from the dashboard and the CSV export.

Delete all articles' ratings

Point of no return
Resetting all articles' ratings will permanently delete all existing article ratings from the dashboard and the CSV Export. This action cannot be undone!

To delete all ratings for all articles:

  1. Go to Reporting > Dashboard.
  2. In the Article Ratings Report, select the Delete All link above the report. The Article Ratings Reset modal opens.
  3. If you're ready to continue and delete all ratings, select OK. This action cannot be undone. All articles' ratings will be removed from the dashboard and the CSV export.