Set up Glossary

Rename "Glossary" to something else and/or display the glossary in your search results.


Add or remove glossary link in table of contents
Learn how to add a link to the glossary into your table of contents.
Add glossary terms to your search results
Follow these instructions to display a glossary term and its definition in your search results.
Add the glossary page to your search results
Use the Search settings to include a link to the glossary page when a reader searches the word "glossary".
Rename the glossary
Don't like the word "Glossary" but otherwise love the feature? Follow the instructions here to rename Glossary to a word of your choice.
Glossary setup FAQs
Answers to frequently asked questions about how to set up the glossary.
View the glossary
To view the glossary, select Glossary from your table of contents or go to your knowledge base homepage and add /glossary to the URL.