New Articles

  1. Bug roundup: create new version, duplicate contact form submissions, deleted knowledge bases

    Updates to the create new version dropdown, Contact Form duplicate submissions, and tightening URL security for deleted KBs.
  2. Change the order of author teams

    Learn how to change the display order of the author teams you've created.
  3. In-app searches now support parentheses

    All in-app search boxes now support parentheses in the search text.
  4. More Let's Encrypt ssl cert tweaks

    We now have more detailed error messaging and documentation for using Let's Encrypt SSL certs, and the cert checker also verifies CAA rules that may prevent LE from working.
  5. Author team order consistently displayed

    The order of Author Teams set in Your Account > Authors > Teams is now used everywhere that Author Teams are displayed.
  6. Search results pagination with exact match searches

    "Exact match" searches now properly support pagination.
  7. Modern Widget: no more duplicate suggested topic display + custom content categories

    No more duplicates of custom content or topic display categories in the Modern Widget's recommended for you section.
  8. False warning on private domains needing reCAPTCHA

    Smarter Settings > Basic warning when reCAPTCHA is required.
  9. When should I use display titles?

    Learn when a display title for a glossary term might be appropriate.
  10. Widget 2.0 option: when only one recommended article, open widget directly to that article

    When only one recommended article is set for a page, use this setting so that the widget opens directly to that article.