04/26/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Topic articles now work across kbs Topic-based category PDFs now update each time one of its articles is updated Updated an article in a topic-based category updates the date last modified of the category New article merge co...
04/24/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Improved mp4 video loading and playback Upgrade to Froala 2.8 (modern editor) Bug Fixes Couldn't copy all kbs Keyboard shortcuts weren't working in tables Couldn't highlight and delete text in tables (had to backspace) ...
04/20/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Pagination for API snippets Current kb variable for API snippets Learn more about API calls in snippets.
04/16/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Bug Fixes Fix for private files not consistently displaying in widget using OATH authentication
04/16/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Bug Fixes Fixed kb deletion process. Previously linked/synced articles were still displaying even if the kb was deleted. Now deleting kbs automatically unlinks content. Updated in-app text and links for recent SAML SSO enhancements ...
04/16/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Enhancements Simplified SAML SSO setup process (removing the separate reader mapping endpoint step) Added debug mode for troubleshooting SSO ...
04/13/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Bug Fixes Duplicate reader warning was displaying when editing existing readers and preventing updates
04/12/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Warning when creating a new reader with the same username/email Bug Fixes Quotes in article titles were breaking PDFs Homepage preview wasn't working URL Redirect categories without content weren't visible to readers Dele...
04/11/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Request Ability to specify multiple URL redirects to an article New importer MadCap Flare (for internal use only - contact us
if you need help importing from Flare) ...
04/09/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Bug Fixes JavaScript was being disabled in the modern editor. If you tried to save new JS or saved an article with existing JS, it was being escaped. You can now saved it properly again! Toggling between the WYSIWYG and code view was adding a str...
04/05/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Bug Fixes Minor style tweaks including partially hidden Add Kb button in Add Reader page and focus states for buttons when using tab Updated file library to force unknown file types to download so the browser doesn't try to open them (.ics, .qst,...
04/05/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Bug Fixes Minor file picker fixes for new styles Fixed TOC caching issue in preview
04/05/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Bug Fixes Second round of bug fixes for the new styles, including breadcrumb styles and browsing file library from articles Fixed error in preview for kb with private domains Fixed intermittent search issue with glossary terms ...
04/05/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Bug Fixes First round of bug fixes for the new styles, including search/sort not working in the glossary, readers, or file library
04/02/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Bug Fix Article tag merge codes in topic display category pages weren't rendering properly.
04/02/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
General updates New look and feel for the applications. Mainly new colors, icons, and buttons with a few UI/UX enhancements. Updated the new editor to the most recent version. This includes new icons. We replaced the new/legacy editor callout a...
04/02/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
It's been quite a while since we've updated the look of the application. With spring in the air (for those of us in the upper hemisphere at least), the time felt right for a fresh new style. Don't worry! We've left the application functionality and...
03/27/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Added new classes to the reader login/logout button based on state Updated the new URL Redirect features name for clarify Added the ability for the contact form email fields to send to multiple emails using comma-separated lists...
03/27/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Added norobots to PDF endpoints so search engines will not index them
03/27/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Bug Fixes Contact form search displaying incorrect date updated