Release notes

A record of all notable changes made to KnowledgeOwl since March 15, 2017.
You can also view our roadmap to see some of our largest upcoming projects.

March 18, 2018

03/27/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Added new classes to the reader login/logout button based on state Updated the new URL Redirect features name for clarify Added the ability for the contact form email fields to send to multiple emails using comma-separated lists...

March 16, 2018

03/27/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Added norobots to PDF endpoints so search engines will not index them

March 13, 2018

03/27/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Bug Fixes Contact form search displaying incorrect date updated

February 28, 2018

03/27/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Set up private IP for improved email deliverability New URL Redirect option for categories and articles Bug Fixes Multiple accessibility updates to themes 

February 20, 2018

03/27/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Added article features (PDFs, ratings, comments, and search) to topic display categories Added option to redirect all child articles in topic display category to the category itself

February 5, 2018

03/27/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Added "barer minimum mode"  (no Bootstrap CSS) Added date_created to suggest endpoint return in order to sort by most recent articles Bug Fixes Categories were displaying twice in link to article search ...

February 2, 2018

03/27/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Bug Fixes New editor wasn't allowing JavaScript in the homepage Short titles in topic display categories weren't being used in the quick links Removed "start each article on a new page" option is PDFs (this is the default) Link to article searc...

February 1, 2018

03/27/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Switch magic wand styles from paragraph styles to div styles Added the ability to create webhooks for specific categories Added code syntax tool to new editor Bug Fixes Added gridlines when inserting a table (border by defau...

December 29, 2017

03/27/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Added merge code for meta description: [template(" meta-description ")] Added article export tool to Manage Bug Fixes Couldn't add authors to kbs

December 27, 2017

03/27/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Added support for author SSO (ability to restrict authors to SSO authentication via a kb) Option to use short titles in content categories Ability for admins to unlock locked out readers Bug Fixes User picture/icon upload no...

December 24, 2017

03/27/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Encryption at rest!

December 19, 2017

03/27/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Added option for reader groups to ignore SSO (ability to have KO managed reader groups while using SSO) Display date created and updated for reader groups Added webhook for newly published articles only ...

December 18, 2017

03/27/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Added reCAPTCHA for public contact forms

December 2, 2017

03/27/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Security updates We are now disallowing TLS 1.0 and legacy cipher suites Configured httponly / secure flag for session and other secure cookies Disallowed protected subdomains to be used by customers

November 11, 2017

03/27/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Bug Fixes Sub-categories with only 1 article or subcategory were not displaying contents in content list categories with the in-line display type

November 6, 2017

03/27/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Added select all/none option inside Change Reader Groups Bulk edit status now updates date modified so you can bulk edit articles out of Needs Review Content list categories now display sub-categories and articles in app order  ...

November 4, 2017

03/27/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Added option to restrict all file library links to authenticated readers Added file URLs in the library to make copying a URL easier Added a "View Article" link to the article editor

October 28, 2017

03/27/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Added automatic email notifications for upcoming annual renewals and failed payments Bug Fixes Download to PDF wasn't working inside the widget and on widget URLs Fixed error when saving custom content category pages ...

October 14, 2017

03/27/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Bug Fixes Topic articles were temporarily not working Pages to recommend on were not saving properly Forgot password link wasn't working on the login page

October 4, 2017

03/27/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Added an optional WYSIWYG to snippet. You can now choose between the WYSIWYG and code editor inside snippets. Added reader group restrictions to snippets. Cursor is now focused inside the text area when adding article links, s...