Release notes

A record of all notable changes made to KnowledgeOwl since March 15, 2017.
You can also view our roadmap to see some of our largest upcoming projects.

February 8, 2018

02/08/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Added support for Author SSO to match on something other than email

August 10, 2017

08/10/2017KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Version previews for custom content categories Ability to unlink shared articles in the editor Ability to copy articles on other author teams In-line display option for articles in category pages ...

June 16, 2017

06/16/2017KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Someone ask for a "No Teams" filter in Manage? Owl ready if you want to check it out! Bug Fixes .ko-pdf-clickable-link {display: initial;} was not working in standard or custom PDFs. It is now. Articles with large...

March 4, 2019

03/04/2019KnowledgeOwl Support
Bug Fixes Brand new knowledge bases that never had basic settings changes were throwing an error when readers tried to subscribe to a category

August 6, 2018

08/06/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Bug Fixes Auto-assign groups by email was being buggy Search phrases were exporting as array instead of a comma-separated list Searches with no results was displaying partial searches. If searching via the API suggest endpoint, add the parameter...

August 3, 2018

08/06/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Bug Fixes Hopeful fix for file caching issues

July 31, 2018

08/06/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Bug Fixes Files not caching properly (testing a change)

July 22, 2018

08/06/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Added the ability to sign for a trial and subscribe to the Business plan.

July 21, 2018

08/06/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Added back the ability to have capital letters and periods in permalink redirect URLs. Added a new landing page for deleted/cancelled/non-existent knowledge base URLs. Bug Fixes Articles with hidden from search displayed in r...

July 16, 2018

08/06/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Bug Fixes Zendesk app was not properly encoding HTML when creating new articles. Created a support tool to clean up article links on deleted content.

July 12, 2018

07/12/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Added more validation to contact form to further prevent empty submissions Bug Fixes Export articles to CSV wasn't working with some filters Old images were appearing broken in the library Editor was adding extra   to i...

July 9, 2018

07/09/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Upgrade to Froala Version 2.8.4 (modern editor) Bug Fixes  Paste from Word  was not properly formatting headers, bolds,  italics, and hyperlinks Paste from Google Docs was missing headers and doing weird things to lists Ctrl...

July 6, 2018

07/06/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests We removed the character limit for category and article meta-descriptions. Bug Fixes Previously you could try to add multi-word synonyms even though they didn't save or work. Now there will be an alert if you try to set up a m...

June 21, 2018

07/06/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Bug Fixes The new articles widget and page were displaying articles with published dates before those without, leading to confusion. Sub-categories were losing their parent property in the API. Some articles weren't displaying in the application...

May 24, 2018

05/28/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Updates to bring KO into compliance with the GDPR.

May 28, 2018

05/28/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests New setting to allow the indexing of large PDFs (greater than 100 pages). Previously we were not indexing large PDFs as they would show up in most searches. This is still the default but you can override it now under Settings > Ba...

May 26, 2018

05/28/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Bug Fixes The article parameter inherited_roles was not being set when creating articles in a restricted category.

GDPR Updates

05/24/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Happy GDPR Day! We've updated our privacy policy to be GDPR-compliant. We've cut out legalese and used clear language. Data Processing Addendum If you are subject to the GDPR, you can sign our Data Processing Addendum (DPA) for compliance...

May 15, 2018

05/15/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Import from Zendesk or Freshdesk

May 7, 2018

05/15/2018KnowledgeOwl Support
Feature Requests Microsoft Azure Active Directory Integration with KnowledgeOwl Comments permissions for custom author roles (create, approve, a...