
As a small, constantly-pivoting team, our priorities can shift a lot, and we don't like saying we'll do something by a specific date and not delivering on that.

But we also know how helpful it is to have access to a product's roadmap. When we evaluate tools for our own use, we like to have a feel for what direction that tool might be going, or what types of features it's hoping to add.

So we wanted to compromise between those two needs and share our top priorities for the next year.

This year, we're focusing a lot of our efforts on integrations while continuing to push out our own new features.

The top projects we have planned so far are:

  • Adding support for multilingual knowledge bases
    While we do have some customers using us for content in multiple languages, right now that's not a built-in option. We're still finishing the last few cases of Customize Text before we pull the feature out of beta. Next up we'll be working on the data structures and architecture to support multiple languages in the same knowledge base. We're still defining how this feature will look and behave, so if you're interested in offering input on the feature or in helping to beta test it, please contact us . (And let us know if you're looking to translate the content yourself or interested in AI-driven translations!)
    Status: In Progress, nearing completion of phase 1
  • Reporting Improvements
    We're exploring ways to make the Reporting Dashboard more robust. We're testing a third-party integration that would move our Reporting capabilities forward significantly and bypass most of the need for Google Analytics or other third-party analytics tools--stay tuned for more updates!
    Status: In Progress, middle stages
  • Alternative to Google reCAPTCHA
    We've had a few customers reach out with security concerns about being required to use Google reCAPTCHA. We are working at developing an in-house alternative to reCAPTCHA for those of you who don't like or aren't allowed to use Google's services here.
    Status: Completed March 2024! We released 🍯New spam protection option: Honeypot and reworked some of Settings > Basic to make your spam protection choices more obvious, too.
  • Generative AI and/or ChatGPT
    In direct conversations as well as our annual customer survey, we've seen some interest for us to add AI features (or, conversely, NOT to add AI features--turns out this is a very polarizing topic!). We've discussed this as a team and our first foray into this space will be an opt-in tool to help generate new content for articles based on their titles, which will mainly help us figure out how these tools can interact with KnowledgeOwl. We are being a bit more cautious in entering this space than a lot of other tools, and if you feel passionately about wanting to see AI-based features in your knowledge base, please contact us with your feedback. Whatever we roll out in the coming months and years, you'll be able to decide whether you want to use these features or not.
    Status: In Progress, testing our first implementation
  • Category Editor Righthand Column
    Right at the end of 2023, we released a major upgrade to the Article Editor righthand column. We are working to bring that same set of updates to the Category Editor to give you the same experience throughout.
    Status: In Progress, early stages
  • More detailed versions permissions
    For those of you using custom author roles: we're building more detailed permissions to better control who can create, edit, activate, and delete versions.
    Status: In Progress, middle stages