Updates to editor permissions framework

Custom role updates
This change may require updates to existing custom role permissions.

For several months, we've been working on some major architectural changes to the permissions framework for the category and article editors and the Articles page.

🎉 Today, we've released those changes! 🎉

At a high level, these changes help ensure:

  • The Save button is properly enabled or disabled when it should be
  • Author team and reader group restrictions are consistently enforced
  • The messages you see when you lack permission to complete an action are descriptive and helpful
  • Editing or deleting content in shared content categories includes checks on related knowledge bases
  • Custom content categories are now governed completely by category editing permissions

Custom content category custom role permissions

The most significant change will impact you if you're using custom roles.

Previously, the ability to edit custom content categories was governed partially by the edit category permission and partially by various article permissions.

Now, editing custom content categories is totally governed by the edit category permission.

If you're using custom roles, we suggest you review your custom role permissions and which authors are assigned which roles to ensure that you are providing the right level of permissions. Contact us if you have questions about these changes.

Other changes

Most of the other changes won't be as noticeable, but here's a list of the ones you're most likely to run into:

  • In Custom content categories, versions weren't always being properly created, particularly with custom content categories synced to other knowledge bases. These should behave much better now.
  • In some reader group-restricted content, the footer Save button was disabled in scenarios where it shouldn't have been. It should now be consistently enabled/disabled based on the Save button at the top of the editor.
  • Custom role-enforced permissions should be much more tightly controlled now and when actions are prevented, more descriptive warning messages or pop-ups should be shown.
  • For categories synced between knowledge bases, deletes and edits will consistently check access/permissions in both the relevant knowledge bases.
  • ...and many more.

This was a large rewrite to our permissions infrastructure, so if you run into any problems or errors with tasks you can normally do with ease, please contact us and let us know.