Updated Articles

  1. SEO features of KnowledgeOwl

    KnowledgeOwl has several features to help you optimize your knowledge base for SEO. Find out how to attract more traffic to your site.
  2. SEO best practices

    Refer to these best practices for your knowledge base SEO to drive more traffic to your knowledge base.
  3. Set the number of Related Articles to automatically display

    Decide how many automatically suggested Related Articles should be displayed.
  4. REST API documentation with content security headers

    If you have content security policy headers enabled in your knowledge base security settings, you cannot host the files in the KnowledgeOwl file library. The security settings prevent loading the JSON or YAML spec file. You can still load the fil...
  5. Section breakdown: Search

    Here's a full list of the Default Text Strings available in the Search Knowledge Base Section, with accompanying screenshots to show how they're used: Default Text String Description Additional notes/description Screenshot References ...
  6. Section breakdown: Table of Contents

    Here's a full list of the Default Text Strings available in the Table of Contents Knowledge Base Section, with accompanying screenshots to show how they're used: Default Text String Description Additional notes/description Screenshot ...
  7. Section breakdown: Top Navigation

    Learn about the options to customize text in your top navigation.
  8. Section breakdown: Reader Login

    Learn about the options to customize text on your reader login page, including password reset and reader signups.
  9. Section breakdown: Miscellaneous

    Learn about the options to customize text in the miscellaneous knowledge base section.
  10. Section breakdown: Required Reading

    A full list of the Default Text Strings available in the Required Reading Knowledge Base Section with accompanying screenshots to show how they're used