Other overall look and feel customizations

Make other knowledge base-wide customizations, like adding a back to top, reCAPTCHA, change how images and gifs are handled, and more!

Add Fancybox to click to zoom/enlarge images

Add Fancybox to your knowledge base to add click to zoom/enlarge image functionality to your articles.


Remove "Made with KnowledgeOwl" statement from footer
Follow these steps to remove the "Made with KnowledgeOwl" statement included in your knowledge base footer.
Change Alert div icon
Want to get some alert divs that use a different icon, or change the color? Follow the instructions here!
Display a back to top icon when scrolling
Learn how to add a back to top arrow to your knowledge base.
Only play GIFs while hovering
Learn how to use the Freeze Frame plugin to only play GIFs on hover in your articles.
Use different logos for different reader groups
Learn how you can display a different logo to members of different reader groups
Set your footer copyright to automatically update
Set the copyright year in your footer to update automatically.
Fix anchor links hidden by top navigation
Here are two solutions for fixing when anchor links are hidden by top navigation.