Updated Articles

  1. How do reader groups work?

    Learn how reader groups and inherited restrictions work.
  2. How do reader groups work?

    You can use reader groups to display different content to different readers. Learn the high-level overview of how this feature works.
  3. Add a custom icon and header link on your homepage

    Learn how to add a stand-alone icon to your homepage to let people jump quickly to a particular resource.
  4. Widget 2.0 overview

    Get to know Widget 2.0 and what it can do for you.
  5. Widget authentication--when and how to use it

    Learn what the widget authentication options are and when authentication is required for the widget to function properly.
  6. Create a category

  7. URL redirect categories

    You can use URL redirect categories to include a category-styled link to other URLs, both within and outside of KnowledgeOwl. When you use a URL redirect category, KnowledgeOwl does not show the content in the category; instead, it loads the URL ...
  8. Glossary

  9. View the glossary

    The glossary is a default page in every knowledge base. Its permalink is always "glossary", so you can get to the glossary by going to "/help/glossary" in your knowledge base (or "/home/glossary" or "/docs/glossary" if you are using a different ro...
  10. SSO options for different knowledge base setups

    View a list of SSO configurations for different knowledge base security requirements.