Updated Articles

  1. Section breakdown: Contact Form

    Learn about the options to customize text in your Contact Form.
  2. SCAYT Spell Check

    The SCAYT option is only for those using the Legacy editor. The Modern editor uses the built-in browser spell-check.
  3. Searches with no Results

    Sample Searches with no Results report   Each time a reader searches and gets no results found, that search is logged in the Searches with no Results report. The information we capture and display includes: Search Phrase : The exact p...
  4. Configure SAML SSO (generic instructions)

    If we don't have a provider-specific SSO page, follow these instructions to set up SSO with your chosen provider.
  5. Search updates

    We have all new search documentation to go with our all new smarter search! Overall search improvements Smarter search engine, powered by Elasticsearch Ability to customize the search weights and scoring Multi-word  synonyms S...
  6. Search weights

    Search weights determine the relevance each article field has in search. All fields start with a weight of 1 and have equal relevance in search. You can view your knowledge base's current relevance search weights by going to Settings > Searc...
  7. Search testing

    Search testing Once you've made changes to your search weights, use Search Testing to quickly and easily test changes to search weights to see if they're producing the results you want/expect. The Search Testing section is just below the ...
  8. Search relevance scoring

    When a search is performed, relevance algorithms are used to weight the results. The algorithms assign a score to each matching search result, and the search results are ranked by score. The following are simplified explanations of the types of alg...
  9. Searching the knowledge base

    There are two basic types of search functions in your knowledge base: Autosuggest : When a reader starts typing into the search bar, we will instantly suggest possible articles based on what they've typed. Full text search : When the reader...
  10. Search doesn't work for unhyphenated versions of hyphenated words.

    That's not a question, but we have an answer! You can use synonyms to ensure that both versions of word bring up the same search results. When you set up a synonym for your hyphenated word, use a space instead of a hyphen since that is how we st...